Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - How Do You Keep Yourself Grounded?

When we refer to covid, we referred to life threatening illness which has disturb a lot in the society, the emergence of covid is a surprise to humanity, this virus has eating us very deep and left us with nothing at the end.


When we are considering the methods to keep us grounded, we will never do without the guidelines giving by the government to her citizenry which includes:

(1) Washing of hands frequently: Government knew that to get sanitize will easily dealt with covid, they now proposed washing of hands to us, to be used and making it not to spread widely in the world.

(2) Observing social distance: It was still brought to our noticed that we should avoid gathering and occasions, that are a lot more of people, we should avoid crowd and we should endeavor to distance ourselves from people not necessarily to us and when not having something importance to say, so as to avoid spreading of the corona virus disease.

(3) Wearing of Nose masks: This is also essential because when you wear a nose mask, when you sneeze It will not disturb another person and that will limits the spreading of the infection of coronavirus.
Wearing of Nose masks is good and one of the best measures which i find very favourable among all others measures to be used in stopping the spreading of the virus.

(4) Drinking of water regularly: Dehydration is also an important aspects in putting an end to this deadly disease, corona virus is not good all, to drink water more and more each day will help in combating the spread of coronavirus.


(5) Eat regularly: Eating also served as a measure in stopping the spreading of the deadly disease, when you eat frequently you will be strong and healthy and the disease can not be able to penetrate with you since you have all that it takes to be healthy already.

Frequent eating would do the following to your body

(a) Eating regularly will boost your immune system

(b) It with make you look good and healthy

(C) It will also make you a positive mindset since you will not be hungry and be having negative thoughts

Yet, after observing all this measures that was postulated by the government in protection of her citizens there were others measures which i set for myself personally and this measures were also good to me and it helps me a lot stay positive, grounded and relax.

The measures i observed personally that keeps me grounded were includes the following

(1) During the covid times i used to play table tennis in the compound with my brothers and sisters, we do it as times goes on and we didn't feel anything lockdown or not it was just like a houses party that we were having.


(2) I also involved myself in Story telling as one of my siblings can tells story a lot, she is very good in that aspect, if you Happens to be in where she narrate a story, there you will know how magnificent she is, i used to listens to her story and it keeps me grounded all the time.

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