Lessons from a Living Heart - Feeding Bees with Video.


Second Hive that is already awaiting its occupants


On the 28th of April our first Swarm of bees arrived. I started feeding them and will continue to do so until their first generation of larva hatch, Which should be around the 25th of May, I will do a final one or two feedings at that point and then stop; leaving them to their own devices. I am feeding primarily to help them have a good start at building their combs and laying their first larves, while simultaenously using it as the opportunity to feed them a reishi-mushroom fortified sugar water.


I have changed my initial way of making it which I released in a previous article; and at the moment to produce about 1L of feed. I use 500 grams of sugar to 500 ml of water. I measure out about 700ml Water (delibarately use more since some amount will evaporate)

I use that first to boil the reishi mushrooms, I let it get to a solid boil; then I leave it to simmer for several hours. At the end of that process, I bring it to one final boil, throw in a small amount of rosemary; lemon balm, mint leaves into the boiling water freshly picked from our garden. I immediately take it off the heat and just let it cool with a lid on.

Once it has cooled down a little I pour it through a filter into a bottle already filled with the sugar.

Mix and once it has all dissolved it is ready. I prepare it the same day I plan to feed. This is not meant to be stored.

The Reishi is the primary bee immune booster. The Herbs at the end help flavor the feed to the bees liking.

Once I stop feeding them after this first initial phase; I will give them another several feedings before the start of the winter, to make sure they are strong,vital and healthy for the challenging part of the year.


The intention is to feed them as little as possible sugar water in the first place, and to have them rely entirely on their own honey reserves. And to rethink the whole approach of how much and how we harvest honey. Letting them build giant reserves in their first year and a strong colony, then harvest leftover surplus in spring from previous year, if that is they have a productive spring, if spring proves unproductive wait until summer and only harvest a frame or two per hive unless there is a tremendous surplus.

@kaliphae supported me in the quest of refilling the feeding pouch and helped also film a video of the whole process . These bees are so gentle and cooperative, they literally invite you to come and engage with them in total vulnerability. One feels it to be absolutely meaningless to wear any protection. So much awe and respect for their intelligence and understanding. A true divine marvel of a single heart composed of a thousand unique individuals; beating to the same heart beat, yet each one authentically to their own inner tune.

The video is pretty much silent; since the bees and their docile respectful attitude speaks volumes in and of itself.

We are receiving our second swarm sometime at the end of may, will continue to give you some updates as the mood arises.


For now Let us learn from the bee how to dance aligned to the Heart of God. United in his heartbeat in perfect resonance according to our authentic inner tune. Beating Paradise into existence, as we dance out of our dissonance beating to a false drum & darkened heartbeat.


The article is beautified with some pictures of the second hive.


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