The Creative Blogger Tag!

Ciao Beautiful Soul Friend!

I was just tagged by @rukeros, after reading their - @choli and @fenngen 's - responses to this challenge: this is a super-intense week for me, so I relish the groundedness of focus on these Qs! Thanks for tagging me, @rukeros !

The rules of this challenge, created by @jongcl (thank you, @jongcl!) are as explained here:

Here are the two obligatory questions:

How do I add value to Hive?

I share always intuitively and spontaneously - as I share in Life - I generally feel 'called' to share something that is significant; which has brought colour, depth or meaning to my day/ labouring/ Life... and which might also touch others - and I love to comment on others' posts that grab my attention when I login.


I also love to share 'how to's, from a unique perspective - usually from having figured something out by necessity: healing, sustaining ourselves on minimal conventional resources, making old things new, finding an improvised solution, opening mind-heart-spirit. And I run regular live painting sessions from my Italian medieval quarter studio, regularly inviting folks from HIVE...

I run a community here too, on Living In Gift, which has had little interaction lately, but is a core passion - transitioning into simpler, more collaborative and liberating ways of Living and Being. I know that a lot of folks are very scared about the world situation, and I love to share how all challenges have hidden treasure, and this world situation is no exception.

How would I make Hive a better place?

I think it could be easier to navigate initially - that seems to block a lot of folks from diving in: a fund for newcomers might help, though I delegated a load of HIVE and HP to joining friends, and it only worked in one or two cases!
Maybe a learning pool - a place to get acclimatised, before diving into HIVE proper?
I find the multifarious coins and rewards confusing... is there an index of coins/ rewards? Like a dictionary/ list of what each coin is and how its value relates to the HIVE? That might help folks join in.


Ultimately, I do feel that the complexity is part of the beauty of HIVE, as in Life - real health, real freedom, real spirituality, involve us making effort and discerning... so it might be superfluous to 'improve' our glorious slice of Reality here :-D

Now: @rukeros 's questions for their tagged people:

Which are your favorite trees and why?

All wild trees in natural settings are my 'favourite' - they exude wisdom and good messages in the everymoment!

Do you know your spiritual totem animal (if you do please tell us what it is and how you met it)?

It is likely to be cat: I've had significant relationships with cats, always, and have had many strong experiences of our soul connections. (This is a wee one who turned up unexpectedly back in September - and sat immediately on my lap.)


Would you re-live old traumatic situations if you knew that it would help you heal them?

NO: this doesn't work as a hypothetical situation: re-living trauma is not a way to heal. However, if we've blocked trauma in our cells or memory or energetic body, they have to be witnessed in some way, before being released. But this would not be revisiting. All my own traumatic release has been a strong sense of relief, letting go - rather than returning to the suffering.

What kind of survivor would you be in the zombie apocalypse?

I'm working to avoid the zombie apocalypse altogether.

What is the quality you most appreciate in other people?

Open-ness and presence.

What kind of attitudes do you tend to judge from others?

Folks being in hurry, and not being present or open.


My tagged friends:











And finally, my questions for my tagged folks:

1. If you had unlimited resources, what would you do first?

2. What is the most meaningful experience that has happened in your life?

3. Do you have a secret dream lifestyle/ role/ 'job' that you'd love to be doing? If so, what is it?

4. What's one thing you can do right now, today, to make your life more beautiful?

5. Do you know that you are LOVED by the Universe? :-)

Blessings on us all!


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