New Normal? - This Is Far From FKG Normal!

Yo Yo My Sovereigns, Wattup?

Here in Melbourne Australia,

We are now officially living under apartheid.

In addition, while the complete media blackout remains on any information, counter to the narrative, even if it's from "official" sources,

the government, and media are now openly inciting division amongst jabbed, and unjabbed people.

Under this apartheid system, unjabbed people are denied access to government buildings, restaurants, other entertainment venues, and...

Unjabbed people are NOT allowed to work,

If you don't wilfully submit to this live human trial, medical experiment, you are denied the right to earn an income.

It may be too late for Australia, but mark my words, where ever you are, this NWO tyranny is coming for you too. We are just the blueprint. (Isolated, and surrounded by ocean, no escape).



Please Enjoy.



As always, please let me know your thoughts, in the comments below, or as a video, and link it, in the comments below.

If you would like to do a collab with me, or be a guest on, "Covideo", then let me know in the comments below, or hit me up on discord Bobaphet#5613


Covid Related Links

This is the website for an organisation consisting of over 100,000 medical doctors, who are providing evidence that this covid scam is a quantifiable fraud.


Dr. Michael Yeadon (ex VP and head of Immunology at Pfizer) warns of the dangers of the vaccine, and the complete fraud of the variants scam.


Kary Mullis Explains the PCR kit


Kary Mullis: PCR Test Inventor Calls Dr Fauci A FRAUD!!!


The Final Refutation Of Virology


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