Sharing the Abundance GIVEAWAY: Week 5 - Win a Septarian Nodule Fossil - ::Entry Post:: & Week 4's Winner

Easily enter to win one of my ancient fossils known as a Septarian Nodule! This is one of the many items I acquired at the 2020 World Gem Show in Quartzsite & Tucson, Arizona USA.

This Week's Prize:

It is quite difficult to describe what a Septarian is and how it forms, and there seems to be some debate among scientists and archaeologists on this topic as well. The general consensus however is that these fossils were formed from ancient decaying animal and plant matter (mostly aquatic) seeping into later air dried cracks. Volcanic eruptions chemically attracted deceased aquatic life to particular spaces in the mud. The decomposing matter then seeped into these mud balls, and the fossilization process occurring over millions of years slowly replaced this organic matter with calcite, aragonite, limestone, barite, and sometimes also iron - creating specimens like the sliced one you see before you today.

The most well known source of these nodules are found in Utah, and were formed in the Cretaceous period about 50-70 million years ago. This particular nodule up for grabs this week however is actually from Morocco. Septarians also come in egg (geode) and druzi formations.

Image Source

Metaphysical Properties

This fossil is a grounding stone and focuses on working energy around the lower chakras (root, sacral, & solar plexus). This is the only gem, fossil, mineral, or crystal that I have come across that also enhances communication ability without actually working with Vishuddha (the throat chaka) directly. There are messages to be communicated stored in these rocks. Personally, I have experienced this stone as one of providence, enhancing the luck of the already inherently lucky Sagittarius energy of my life. Click here to learn more about Septarians.


While I do not have any more of these for purchase individually, I will soon be making silver pendants with some of these smaller nodules, and will have them for sale at that time. Please let me know if you would be interested in one.

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This is the simplest contest to enter. All that's required is a few button clicks & key strokes.


1. Follow @Abundance.Tribe

2. Share this giveaway entry post to your blog

3. Comment below with something (or someone) you are grateful for



The winner will be selected randomly via digital number generator, so what you say you are grateful for in the comments has zero bearing on who wins - but a comment of gratitude is required none the less. Each previous week's winner is announced in the following new giveaway entry post (no account can win two weeks in a row).

All U.S. based prize deliveries ships for free in this contest.

If you are outside the United States and are selected as a winner, you will have to pay for international shipping (usually not more than $10 USD) to receive your prize. It is also your responsibility to know whether the item can actually be shipped to your country based on covid-19 regulations in your area.

Prize shipments will be sent at the end of each month (every 4 contests). This is to save resources by avoiding many trips to the post office.

Week 4's Prize - 1 Organic/Eco Dyed Anarchapulco Shirt

Week 4's Randomly Selected Winner is:



Please contact me via Discord to claim your prize & arrange shipping.


This is a weekly reoccurring contest!

We host these giveaways each Thursday (& somtimes Saturdays) on @Abundance.Tribe. It is our mission as a community to share the abundance that we so graciously receive ourselves.

There will be a new prize each week, many of which will be precious gems I acquired at the 2020 World Gem Show.

Thank you to everyone for being involved in our community, no matter how small of a way, or short of a time. We appreciate all the honorable and Earth conscious humans that bring light to this world, and love to this platform. This is our way of giving back, and saying thank you.

Remember, even if you do not win this week, you have an equal chance to win a prize every week (unless you just won one). With the ease of entry in this giveaway, there is no reason not to throw your ticket in the hat. All we ask in return is that you do your best to live up to the example set here, and share the abundance with those who deserve it in your own lives. Please help us spread these words of wisdom to many ears and eyes - for humanity, for hive, and for our right to thrive.

1st Ever #STAG prize won by @In2itiveArt

Enchanted blessings - with love, truth, respect, & honor - @ELAmental



If you would like to publish a post to help spread the word about this contest, please use #abundancetribe & our new #STAG tag (I love saying that) - which stands for Sharing the Abundance Giveaway.

I am also open to prize donations from anyone including but not limited to members of #abundancetribe. I am pretty well stocked at the moment however, so no rush. Donating creative promotional items for your projects that hold value would be a great way to spread the abundance/love and promote your project(s) at the same time.

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Additional Abundance

@Abundance.Tribe Weekly Gems

Focalized by @Trucklife-Family

See this week's full post

Earth Deeds - Volume 12

Focalized by @Elamental

Click Here to Enter & for More Info


The @Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question

Focalized by @Trucklife-Family

What Makes Someone A Conspiracy Theorist And Where Do You Believe That Term Originated From?

See the full post to Answer

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