Challenges - Pros and Cons

Inspired by yesterday's post of @russellstockley in his post about challenges and his daily chatter, I have decided to create a post and share my opinion about this important topic...

In the beginning, I would like to say that I wouldn't be present on 3Speak or D.Tube if there were no challenges... Everything started by @nathanmars and his #Seven77 challenge... When I came to the "old blockchain", that challenge was running for some time, but I wasn't ready to even create my blog posts... So, I didn't participate in it...

After that, @pixiepost started #2020Vision challenge, inspired by Nathan's great movement and I have jumped it on that train... I wasn't video creator at all, never-ever, so that was like jumping into the fire for me... and I didn't regret it ever... Actually, that was the best thing that happened to me in this crazy year... lol...

After that one, it was a turn to jump in #IAmAliveChallenge, created by @flaxz, and later to #MyHiveGoals by @robwillmann, which I am the part at this moment (you can find my stats at the end of this post)...

The awesome part of these challenges is that they can help you a lot in training consistency... showing up every day and creating a piece of the content every day... Also, important thing is to engage with others that are doing the challenge with you, make new friends, make new connections... Another important thing is learning a new skill, or improving the current one...

On the other side, some problems will arise if you are doing some of them... If the challenge has no ending point, YOU have to decide when you think that you have "fulfill the mission"... That can be a problem as you have created the habit of everyday creation, and suddenly, you have to stop it... It's not easier for the "challenge creator" to say "It is the end"... I don't know this from my personal experience, but I know that it was very difficult to @pixiepost to stop her challenge... And I can't even imagine how was to @nathanmars to end his one that has hundreds of participants... That's a big responsibility...

At this moment numerous challenges are running at the same time, and I have noticed that some of the participants are overwhelmed by so many things going on... To not offend creators, they try to participate in each of the challenges, but that's creating additional pressure and I'm afraid that it will be contra-productive...

Don't get me wrong... I like challenges... They have changed the way of my living and thinking...

Some of my thoughts and ideas if you plan to start a challenge:

  • Be creative with the name of the challenge and try to provoke that participants spread their creativity
  • Create a STARTING and ENDING point for the challenge... People will be fulfilled when they reach the end... That's ONE accomplished goal more
  • Connect the participants (@flaxz doing an interesting job with Discord channels and rewarding engagement in the comments on Hive)
  • .... a place for your ideas... share them in the comments...

In the end, I would like to make an update of my current numbers (June 10th, 2020) on #MyHiveGoals:

HIVE POWER - 12,825 / 20,000    64.12%
CTP POWER - 100,533 / 150,000   67.02%
HIVE Followers - 233 / 333      69.97%
LBRY Followers - 727 / 1,500    48.47%

Join us in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! You can find the original post about the challenge by @robwillmann here: @robwillmann/new-challenge-myhivegoals-set-and-achieve-your-goals

Thank you for your time,


Link to my initial post is here

These are my initial (and starting) goals for 2020 on June 1st, 2020 and this #MyHiveGoals Challenge

HIVE POWER - 12,092 / 20,000    60.46%
CTP POWER - 98,148 / 150,000    65.43%
HIVE Followers - 222 / 333      66.67%
LBRY Followers - 648 / 1,500    43.20%

Challenges  Pros and Cons.jpg

Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


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Don't forget to follow, resteem and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can find me on ClickTrackProfit .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

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