Two Ways to Screw Your Hive Account .:. Walk & Talk Series

I'm happy that you supported this type of content with your votes in the recent poll, as that gives me motivation to continue doing it! (btw. if you didn't vote, please go to this link and cast your vote for the content that you would like to see more on my blog)... It's not an easy task to record these videos, especially as I try to do them in just 1 cut, without "reading the line"... That kicks me out of my comfort zone, and pushes me to focus on 1 topic, trying to add value to viewers in the shortest amount of time possible...

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Created in

Whenever I would create a video from the Walk & Talk Series, I would also write a (long) post around it which should be a description, but many times it would be a written post on the same topic with additional thoughts! I realized that by doing that, I take value from the video itself and many people don't even check it out, while it can find different messages... So, I will do this time differently...

The short description says... During my 5 years on HIVE, I saw many people coming and going here... Some of them would quit just because they got bored, some would leave as they expected more, and for many different reasons... Among others, I have spotted TWO types of struggles here on HIVE that sometimes people don't realize and can't objectively explain what happened and what they did wrong...

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The first type are people who come to the platform with high expectations, but without the will to create quality content... When I say "quality content", I mean a non-low-effort post... So, they are throwing 2-3 sentence posts, or 1 image post, for a certain time until they realize that they made a mistake... In one moment they began to create valuable posts, but then... (check the video 🙂)

The second type of Hivians is those who can be even Red Fish or Dolphins on HIVE... Some innocently fall into the trap of one specific HIVE whale that can deceive you... What you will hear in the video about this are my assumptions about how that certain whale "works", and take that with a reserve as I can be wrong...

That will be all about the topic in the description of the video! Don't forget to check it out here! It's only 11 minutes long...

Thank you for your time,


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