What Content Would You Like to See More? (Poll Inside!) .:. Ph's Shorts 🩳

During these 5 years on the chain, I have been experimenting a lot with different types of content, but also with different topics that I like and follow... I began my journey with some crypto-related content, went through the Splinterlands content phase, tried out Actifit reports, etc. It wasn't just changing the topics, but also trying out different ways of presenting content... In the beginning, I was doing mostly written posts, but I got pushed into video content too (vlogging), and recently, I've been doing the "audio" content by publishing recordings from the #HHHLive show...

As a "good" OCD student 😃, I have created a different "series", something like the one that you can see in the title of this post... Trying to organize my posts and make it simpler for readers/viewers to pick the content that they like the most... I do like all of my "series", but I would like to hear which one you like the most and which one would you like to see more on my blog... I don't promise that I will make changes right away, but I will take things into consideration and "re-balance" my posts in the future according to the results of this poll...
Don't forget to vote at the end of this post!!!

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But before going directly to the pool, I will try to explain what can you vote for... Btw. you will be able to vote for max 2 choices (you can vote for 1 too)... (EDIT: It looks like this doesn't work and you have only 1 CHOICE)

Travel/Photo Blogs

This is something that I forget to do very often, especially when I go into the "obsessed" mode regarding crypto... 😃 In this category, I count my travels around different cities in Spain, and Europe, and I hope even more... Also, I would add here "photo stories" from my daily walks, that I most of the time publish in the #WednesdayWalk community...

Late Night Blogging Post - Rant, Reflection, Brainstorming

This is a series that I created maybe a year ago, where I come up with a topic in late night hours, and write about it... I'm trying to pick topics that readers can participate in and discuss in the comment section... Sometimes topics are Hive-related, sometimes they aren't...

Walk and Talk Series Posts

This category is similar to the previous one, but I'm recording a video during my daily walk, speaking about a certain topic... As I try to record these videos in different places, sometimes people like to watch them just to see the nature around me... :) Very rarely I edit these posts (cutting) and I do them in "one cut"... Because of that, in some way, they are more personal than written blogs...

More LiveStream Shows

This is just an idea... I do like our new place for hanging out, the #HHHLive show, so maybe we could squeeze one more show on a different day... Something like the current "special edition" shows that we have once per month but in a slightly different format...

My Crypto-Related Research

I don't like to brag a lot about my crypto journeys, but I do research a lot of stuff in the space... Some on HIVE, some in other blockchains... As I don't like to give financial advice, I'm not sharing these things too much... Not because I don't want to, but because sometimes people are weird and blame others for their mistakes and failures...

None of above

Maybe you don't care about my content at all, so this option is for you... 😃 If you have something to add, you can use the comment section... If not, I would suggest you find another author that suits you... 🙂

So here we are... Cast your vote and feel free to comment too! You know that I read all the comments and try to reply to every single one!

Thank you for your time,

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

What type of content would you like to see more?
Only accounts older than 20 days allowed
You may select 1 choices
Travel/Photo Blogs
Late Night Blogging Post - Rant, Reflection, Brainstorming
Walk and Talk Series Posts
More LiveStream Shows
My Crypto-Related Researches
None of above - Don't care about your content!
3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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