Woodpeckers - Compilation of Videos + Droppings Reveal Nesting Location

Decker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker who’s resident near the Injured Badger Hole has been accompanying my trips to the area for months. He’s quite territorial and doesn’t fly outside of his range, which is not that large.

While he’s keen on pecking on trees near me, I didn’t really know where exactly he nests. By the time I show up, he’s already out and about and follows me around. But I think I know where his nesting location is, thanks to the abundance of droppings (bird poop) concentrated around a small area.

While on the topic of woodpeckers, I included a compilation of videos capturing random woodpeckers I come across on my strolls through the woods. These are different woodpeckers, not Decker.

Most of them are of the Great Spotted Woodpeckers (Dendrocopos Major - the same species as Decker), but at the end there is also a footage of a Grey-Headed Woodpecker (Picus Canus), who’s rarer than the former.

Remember, it’s beneficial to your mental health to watch birds. Research by Doctor Daniel Cox and Professor Kevin Gaston, from the Environmental Sustainability Institute at the Penryn Campus at the University of Exeter, conducted a scientific research which found that watching birds makes people feel relaxed and connected to nature (Cox and Gaston, 2016, published in the journal Bioscience, Volume 67, Issue 2, February 2017, Pages 147–155).

00:00 Bird droppings in the woods
01:50 Woodpecker Decker found
02:21 Great Spotted Woodpecker video compilation
07:44 Grey-Headed Woodpecker

Keep rocking :o)


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