Baby Badgers Debuted by Mother by Being Taken Out of Sett for First Time

Badger sow gave birth to triplets. This compilation of videos from my trail camera shows the moments when the baby badgers were taken out of the sett by their mother for the first time.

The fur balls are still little and a bit clumsy, but they’re already exploring the immediate surrounding of their sett. On the first night out, one of them even managed to wander off a bit too far and mom had to pick him up by the neck and drag him back. Lesson learned… hopefully!

All three look healthy and are absolutely beautiful. This is a rare opportunity to observe the life of wild animals from the moment it has begun. The female now has a tough job ahead of her, but the babies will grow up fast and… well, we’ll see what happens. Exciting times ahead.

00:00 Disclaimer
00:11 Female badger checks to make sure it’s safe for her children to come out
00:21 Baby badgers come out of the sett for the first time
01:03 Little badgers learning the ins and outs of being a wild animal
01:45 Badger fur balls explore the area
02:16 Baby badgers stumbling about
03:04 One baby badger uses teeth to pick up a stick
03:32 Badger mom grooms one of her babies
03:42 Baby badger wanders around alone
03:53 Two baby badgers play outside
04:09 Baby badger tumbles
04:24 Female badger scratches her tummy
05:00 Badger mom calls her babies home
05:10 Badger mama realizes one baby is missing
05:26 Adventurous baby badger taught lesson for wandering away

Keep rocking :o)


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