Double Fox Hole Mystery Continues with First Non-Rat Entry Into Injured Badger's Sett

The unexplained saga surrounding the newly appeared holes near the sett of the injured badger remains a mystery. The trail cam footage recorded so far hasn't shed much light on who built the new den to live there.

A pair of foxes showed up several times and snooped around, but none of them went in or out. Leastways not in or out of the double hole I had my second trail camera pointed at.

However after all this time visiting the injured badger's hole and never seeing any animal other than the resident rat enter or exit, there was finally a visitor who did go in.

I was truly expecting to see an animal go in or out of the new holes, and instead I got a renewed activity in the injured badger's hole.

00:00 Disclaimer
00:11 Camouflaged deer
01:10 Snowy forest
01:54 Only few animal tracks in the snow
02:22 Pair of foxes visits at night
03:01 Contemplating camera move
03:48 Dry stump as stand for trail camera
04:48 A lot of activity around injured badger’s hole
05:17 Busy fox trail
06:05 Fox tracks in the snow
06:34 Fox ran on top of fallen conifer
07:05 Got wood?
07:27 Woodpecker heard but not seen
07:50 Wood rat active in winter
08:18 Foxes check out double hole at night
08:57 Pair of foxes on trail camera
09:12 Fox marks den entrance with scent
09:47 Young vixen caught on trailcam
10:06 Repeat sighting on young vixen
10:50 Young vixen revisits in the snow
11:21 Fox checks out injured badger’s hole at night
11:38 Fox returns to the injured badger’s hole during the day
12:41 Fox stick his nose into the sett
13:29 Finally going in

Keep rocking :o)


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