hola #Hive, Como realizo mi movilidad articular/Hello #Hive, How do I do my joint mobility


Bienvenidos a todos a este espacio, compartire contenido educativo hacerca del entrenamiento; en este primer post encontraran la forma en la cual yo realizo mi movilidad articular junto a puquueño fragmento de como y porque debe hacer de manera controlada


Welcome everyone to this space, I will share educational content about training; In this first post you will find the way in which I perform my joint mobility along with a small fragment of how and why it should be done in a controlled manner.


Debes cuidar la salud de tus articulaciones si deseas seguir entrenando, te mando un saludo desde colombia, comenta y cuentame de que te gustaria el siguiente post


You must take care of the health of your joints if you want to continue training, I send you greetings from Colombia, comment and tell me what you would like in the following post

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