The Week According To . . . David Vance

The Irish connection is reunited.
Podcaster, social and political commentator David Vance joins us once again as we put the world, and the main stream media to rights, ripping into the stories and articles that have caught our eye or made our blood boil this week.
In this episode that is dripping in sarcasm, David connects with us in prayer as we turn our thoughts to, and say G'Day to Prof Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer in Victoria, Australia who has Covid, symptoms - feeling pretty rubbish, razor blade throat, cough and generally being a bit of a Sheila!
Bill Gates has a touch of the Chyna virus too, has mild symptoms but is isolating..........luckily for them both, they are boosted to the eyeballs or can you just imagine how bad they would of been!!
In the US The White House carries on as the harbinger of doom as they warn of '100 million' Covid infections this fall, we hear of educators being trained by the Teaching Association to introduce gender ideology to their classrooms with utter crap like “people who have penises”, “people with vaginas”, “people who can become pregnant”, “people who can have other people pregnant” and “people at risk for testicular cancer”!!
Closer to home we take a look at some shocking statistics concerning mortality rates and the vaccinated population and also that one child has died and more children reported of being affected by the 'mystery' hepatitis outbreak in the UK and Ireland.
We ask is Free Speech on hold? Elon Musk Twitter deal put on ice pending details supporting calculations about spam and fake accounts on the platform while Calvin Klein has produced a 'stunning and brave' Mothers Day advert featuring a pregnant man and received a mighty backlash with followers vowing 'never to buy the brand again!'
And in the Russia/Ukraine debacle we discuss the American pledge of $40bn to Ukraine, Russia cutting electricity to Finland and the UKs support for the Fins and the Swedes.
We ponder the Azov Brgade: Nazis or just Nationalists? and have the Ukraine already won the Eurovision Song Contest without singing a note?
Join us for all this and more, opinion, discussion and a good laugh or two!

Pureblood David Vance will not submit and he will not comply.
He used to be disgusted but now he tries to be amused!
In the battle for truth and liberty, David chooses the front line.
Editor of and, he has appeared on all forms of legacy media but has had enough of that!
You can regularly catch David here at Hearts of Oak on our weekly news review 'The Week According To. . .'
Follow David on GETTR and on all platforms @DavidVance
David’s frequent and popular podcast can be found at

Originally broadcast 14.5.22

Audio Podcast version available at ⁣ and all major podcast directories.
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Links to articles discussed this episode:
Our thoughts and prayers are with Chief Health Officer Victoria Ill with Covid
And Bill Gates
41.5K people died within 21 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England & a further 291K died within 6 months
Thirteen more children fall sick with mystery hepatitis bringing UK total to 176 as Ireland says one child has died from liver disease 'of unknown origin'
Covid Wave This Fall Could Infect 100 Million, US Warns
Elon Musk says his deal to buy Twitter is on hold
Trans Lunacy
Calvin Klein Hit With Criticism Over Pregnant Transgender Man Campaign
Teachers Trained On Injecting Gender Ideology Into Science, Math Class
Russia CUTS electricity to Finland: Moscow-run state energy company says it will stop supplying Helsinki tomorrow over 'payment issues' amid tensions over NATO
David’ Hard Truth programme on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade. Nazis or just Nationalists
US approves $40bn to Ukraine
UK agrees to support Finland and Sweden
Have Ukraine already won Eurovision
Northern Ireland

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