Becoming a Japanese Influencer...? 日本語のインフルエンサーになる?

I wrote this blog in Japanese, the English translation is at the bottom:


日本に住む外国人は目立つだからそんな有名になるのはめんどくさいと思います。 僕のビデオが好きで話しかけるのが怖くないけど、コソコソ見られるのすごい嫌です、特に僕に対して善意を持ってない人がいれば嫌だなと思います


丁寧さはどうしても慣れない!  今でも「なれれないって大丈夫かな? なれませんの方がいいじゃない?」って頭に考えだした。 日本に長年住んでてもなれないんですよ! 何回も丁寧さについて聞きますけど色々な意見がありそうで生活と仕事によって結構違います。 ルールがわかってても従わないケースがいっぱいあります!



英会話のためだけの存在になりたくない! もちろん勉強しかたもシェアしたいですけど自分の生徒もあるし友達も英語についての質問を聞くし、クリエイティブな方面も英会話だけをはなしたくない! やれば仕事のためだけじゃなくていろいろな人と繋がりたいし、面白くしたいからです!  僕は仕事と遊びについていろいろな考えがあって深く説明すれば時間かかりますけど、とりあえずこういうふうに伝えられる:人生全部仕事っぽい仕事になってほしくない!



I occasionally think about making Vlogs in Japanese, but for various reasons, I've refrained from doing so until now.

Foreigners living in Japan stand out, so becoming famous can be bothersome. I don't mind people who like my videos and approach me, but I really dislike being secretly watched, especially by those who don't have good intentions towards me.

My various opinions might stir controversy in Japan. Of course, I can hide them, but I don't want to be that kind of person. If people are kind enough to watch, I want to go deeper with them. I might want to talk about the various complexes and insecurities of Japanese and American people, or what I like and don't like about both places, without filtering much.

I still can't get used to the politeness! I still wonder if it's okay to not get used to it. Even after living in Japan for many years, I still can't adapt! I hear about politeness many times, but there seem to be various opinions, and it varies significantly depending on life and work. Even if you understand the rules, there are many cases where you don't follow them!

Considering age and stiffness, communication becomes difficult!

I still feel like my Japanese is lacking! There are many times when I can convey what I want to say, but there are times when it's completely inadequate. Especially when I want to delve into nuances, it becomes confusing and I don't know what I'm saying. Besides that, my choice of words is not good at all. I manage when talking to people, but giving speeches to many people is difficult!

I don't want to exist just for English conversation! Of course, I want to share study methods, but I have my own students, and friends ask me questions about English. I don't want to limit creative discussions to just English conversation! I want to connect with various people and make things interesting, not just for work. I have various thoughts about work and play, which would take a long time to explain in depth, but for now, I can say this: I don't want life to be all about work-like work!

What should I do?

Well, for now, I think I'll answer various cultural questions from my students!"

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