Recipe: Dal krala | Pure Vegan

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Welcome to my blog. I hope everyone is well. Today the weather is quite cold and the sky is covered with dark clouds. I've been thinking about participating in the Plant Power (Vegan) community for a long time but haven't had time to make a recipe because I've got exams going on. Today when I got the chance to make a recipe, I didn't let the opportunity pass. I decided to make a recipe for the Plant Power (Vegan) community


  • White Gram lentils = 250 gm
  • Onion = 50 gm
  • Bitter Gourd = 100 gm
  • Coriander = 10 gm
  • Oil = 50 ml


First we will soak the white gram lentils in water so that it softens a bit while we prepare the other ingredients

Now we will take 100 grams of bitter gourd and peel them well. Then we will cut it in the middle and remove the seeds from them. Now cut them into one size and add a table spoon of salt in it and mix it and keep it for 10 minutes. When they leave the water, we will press them and separate them from the water to remove the bitterness of the bitter gourd

Now we will take 50 grams of onion and peel it and cut it

Now we will heat the oil on low flame and when it gets hot then add the chopped bitter gourds and fry them. When they turn light brown, take them out


  • Ground Red Chilli (One Tablespoon)
  • Salt (One Tablespoon)
  • Turmeric (Half Tablespoon)
  • Garam Masala (One Tablespoon)

Now we will put the chopped onions in a pot and add 50 grams of oil to it. Fry it on low flame and wait for the onion to brown

When the color of the onion turns brown, then we will add one table spoon of salt and one table spoon of crushed red pepper and half table spoon of turmeric and fry it again for two minutes

Now add one kg of water to it. Then add 250 grams of soaked white gram lentils and also add roasted bitter gourd and close the pressure cooker. Cook it in a pressure cooker till the lentils is cooked well and I again tell you guys that cook it on low flame

In about 10 minutes the lentils will be cooked, then we will open the pressure cooker and cook it for another five minutes so that the water in it dries up to some extent

After cooking for another five minutes we will take it off the fire. Now take green coriander and chop it and wash it well. Then add the coriander to it and add one tablespoon of Garam Masala

Final Look

You can watch complete video:

  • You can ask me any question related to this recipe in my comment section. My comment section is always open for you guys and I always reply

Thank you for Glancing on my blog and remember me always with best wishes✨

All Pictures are @sahi1

Connect to Discord: @sahi1

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