Sri Lanka's own rich "coconut sambol"

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Dear friends, wishing you all a wonderful day! Today, I’ve brought a special recipe for you. It’s a dish native to Sri Lanka—one of the most iconic and popular recipes in the country: Pol Sambol. This is a must-try dish made with ingredients like coconut, salt, chili, onion, and lime juice. Although the preparation of Pol Sambol varies from region to region, I’ve added a bit of turmeric to mine, as we locally mix turmeric into many of our dishes. While traditionally, this sambol was mainly served with meals in our village, it has now gained recognition and can even be found in star hotels as a special delicacy.

So, let’s take a look at how to prepare this flavorful dish in a simple yet delicious way!
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Materials Used.

1 Cup of grated coconut.
A small onion.
1 garlic cloves, peeled.
Some curry leaves.
1 pod of Kochi chilies.
2 or 3 Teaspoon of Lime juice.
2 Teaspoon of crushed chili powder.'
1/2 Teaspoon of pepper powder.
1/4 Teaspoon of turmeric Powder.
Salt powder as need.

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The cooking process as follows.

Now, let’s get ready to prepare this delicious Pol Sambol. First, finely chop the onion.

Next, take a wooden mortar and pestle, and add the chopped onions, chili, curry leaves, chili powder, pepper powder, and salt as needed.

After that, we pound the mixture well. Alternatively, you can use a blender to do this too.

Then we add the grated coconut to it and grind it well.


Afterward, remove the mixture and place it in a separate bowl. Add two teaspoons of lime juice and mix well.

This delicious Sri Lankan coconut sambol can be enjoyed with rice, bread, roti, or string hoppers. It's an incredibly easy and nutritious recipe. I hope you try making it this way. Thank you for joining me today. Have a great day!

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