How to Prepare Shaved Cucumber Ice Cendol


The recent erratic weather has made me very tired in completing some work in the field, starting from preparing several tragedies that are beyond the expectations we expect, but that is the risk of working in the field with a fixed time even if it's a holiday if it's an urgent situation I have to do, and certainly in the hot weather. Well, that's a risk, and without realizing it is one of the positive things I do to replace my exercise schedule, which I have forgotten for a long time, starting again is very difficult, I feel lazy to do it, well maybe due to the effects of my fatigue after doing many activities outside.

Need a drink that is fresh and can liven up my mood, is the best this time. Silently while enjoying a glass of ice is an interesting thing and relieves the feeling of prolonged fatigue which is sure to feel the stress of dealing with various things at work will be slightly reduced when we start to regulate our thoughts and intake that is calming. Starting to look at the ingredients in my refrigerator, then thinking for a moment what would accompany my afternoon break while relaxing, I began to think that the taste of cucumber ice cendol is the best this time.

Cucumber Ice Cendol


Cucumber is one of the ingredients that I use to replace cendol which is usually used to make ice, before I would like to explain that cendol is one of the typical drinks in Indonesia made from tapioca flour and drunk with coconut milk and sugar water and add ice. Because the process of making original cendol is quite long, therefore I am very tired this time wanting to make something easy and definitely refreshing. Then I took the initiative to take some cucumbers to replace the cendol this time, and wow I think this will be much easier and very enjoyable to enjoy on a hot day after a tired work.


The ingredients used in making cucumber ice cendol are very simple and easy to find. First prepare 2 young cucumbers, 100 grams of palm sugar or according to your taste, 50 grams of sugar, 500 ml of thick coconut milk here I use fresh coconut milk so that the ice will taste fresher and smell good, enough salt and then prepare 2 pandan leaves.


After preparing some ingredients, I immediately started processing the ice. The steps you need to prepare are as follows.

Step 1

First, I started to prepare the palm sugar by cutting the palm sugar into small pieces so that it dissolves easily in water.


Step 2

Then start cooking palm sugar with mineral water, then add sugar and salt, then add pandan leaves and cook palm sugar water until it really boils.



Step 3

After the sugar water is cooked, set it aside to cool, now after preparing the palm sugar water, I continue to prepare the coconut milk by adding a teaspoon of salt. Then add pandan leaves in coconut milk so that it emits a fragrant aroma, then cook until the coconut milk boils while stirring.



Step 4

Now after the coconut milk and palm sugar are cooked, cool them both, then prepare the cucumber by peeling the cucumber skin and then washing it clean, then cut into several parts and remove the seeds.




Step 5

Then grate the cucumber roughly with a cheese grater or other grater.




Serving suggestions

Well, after all the ingredients have been processed, it's time to serve, here I prepare all the ingredients, and don't forget to prepare ice cubes, to make it fresher and tastier, the first step in preparing it is to add palm sugar, water, then ice cubes to taste according to taste. Then I started to add the shaved cucumber and finally poured it with coconut milk, to make it look attractive I also added a little pandan paste on the ice and gave a touch of pandan leaves, now my cucumber ice cendol is ready to be served. This recipe makes enough for 3 large glass servings.




The taste of this ice is undeniable, very fresh, slightly sweet and for sure the aroma of pandan leaves from the coconut milk is very strong from this drink, this is really the first drink from cucumber that I processed into cendol. It turns out that the taste is not inferior to ice cendol in general. I am very happy to be able to enjoy simple ice with a different delicacy than usual.

About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

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