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eggless blue butterfly pea flower colorant mixed muffins🥧

Hi vegans..😄 how are you, today I have brought you a valuable for my new post today I have chosen the @powerplant vegan today I have brought you eggless blue butterfly pea flower colorant mixed you Have eaten muffins. . Actually, I added blue butterfly pea flowers to the muffins because I want to add the natural colors in it to the food.

So you can add a very beautiful blue color to your food with these flowers and you can get a fresh experience through this.. Do you know that this is a plant full of many medicinal properties. Many benefits can be obtained from this blue butterfly pea plant.

Not only that, in Sri Lanka as well as in other countries, especially in countries like Thailand, natural colors are made from the flowers of this blue butterfly pea plant.

So most of the time we use unnatural colors for food. So these unnatural colors are not good for your body. But doctors say that the pigments obtained from blue butterfly pea flowers are very beneficial for your body.

*So let me show you how to make muffins from the flowers of this precious plant. *

Now let's see how to make it step by step..

First we need some ingredients.


  • Bread flour 250g
  • Blue butterfly pea flowers 05
  • 50g of sugar
  • fresh milk 30ml
  • Vanilla essence 2drop
  • baking powder 1tbs


1 step

First of all, put the flour in the bowl. Then add 1tbs of baking powder and mix well.

2 steps

Add 50g of sugar to the mixture and mix well.

3 steps

Then take a glass and put some flowers. Then add some hot water to it.. then you can make this color.

4 steps

Then add fresh milk to the flour mixture.

5 steps

Then stir it until it dissolves well..Stir it well for about 10 minutes..The reason for that is that the sugar should dissolve well..

6 steps

Then you have to add the blue butterfly pea flower coloring you have made to this mixture that you have mixed in this way..

7 steps

The pigments should be added little by little and done well.

8 steps

Then you add 2 drops of vanilla essence to the mixture.. By adding vanilla you can add a nice aroma to the food..

9 steps

Then spread the mixture you have made on the cupcake papers like this..

10 steps

Then bake the muffins at a temperature of 120c for ten minutes.

Well now we are done making the muffins. If you want to make these muffins more blue, use more food coloring... but I didn't use too much... increase or decrease as you like.

So let's meet again with this new creative food. I invite you to try this food too.. So see you again in this post.. I am especially thankful to @powerplant vegan community. Also, thank you very much for viewing and voting my posts.. See you again. Have a good day everyone.❤️🇱🇰

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