Zucchini Yellow Noodles With Curry Paste

Fresh zucchini and filling yellow noodles.
I've never had the disappointment of mixing noodles and vegetables.


This time it's not about perfect noodles. This is a broken-shaped yellow noodle ingredient recipe, far from perfect and normal. I saw with my own eyes how the yellow noodles were broken into short pieces. It is definitely very different from the size of the long yellow noodles under normal conditions. Aren't long noodles a thing of pride and joy?

Instead of not giving the yellow noodles a chance, I chose to buy them. As for me, I have absolutely no problem with the short shape of the noodles while they can still be processed into a delicious and filling meal.


By the way, I just feel guilty if I don't give a chance to what I see I cook at home. Long short story, at that time I was shopping at a stall where I usually shop for groceries. Then, in the corner of the shop, I saw a package of yellow noodles that were not of good quality. At half the price of the normal ones, I think it's quite worth buying.


Come on, I will show you how I cook the noodles. Of course, you can apply this recipe to your favorite types of noodles.

Using Zucchini

I have a stock of zucchini. So I'm going to add these nutritious vegetables to my yellow noodle dish. For 250 grams of noodles, I only use half of the zucchini. My zucchini was huge. If you have small zucchini, you can use one zucchini.

You can use other green vegetables or even mushrooms. Please, just use your comfort veggies to make sure the final result is suitable for your taste buds.

Using Instant Curry Paste


In this recipe, I use instant seasoning. I use an instant curry paste. A fun fact, you can replace it with another seasoning.

For simple seasoning ingredients, you can use chopped garlic, onion, then pepper. For an authentic oriental taste, you can add sweet soy sauce, but just a little.

Preparing Yellow Noodles


Before I cook yellow noodles, I have to prepare them ready to be cooked. In my area, usually, yellow noodles will have a pungent “slaked lime” smell. That's why I have to get rid of the "slaked lime" smell before processing it in further cooking.

So, I soaked the yellow noodles in salt water for about 15 minutes. Then, after soaking, I wash the noodles clean. Then, then drained and is ready to be cooked further.

After the noodles are soaked, I'm going to cook the noodles in the simplest way, which is stir-fry mixed with zucchini.

Stir Fried Yellow Noodles Ingredients


  • 250 grams of yellow noodles
  • half of a large zucchini
  • 2 tablespoons of instant curry paste
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • a little cooking oil

Cooking Instructions

Slice zucchini.


After cutting the large zucchini in half, I then divided the halved halves in half. Then, slice again.

Stir-fry zucchini.


Heat a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Then stir-fry the zucchini. Cover the cooking pot for about 3 minutes.


Add curry paste.


After the zucchini is cooked in a closed container, then add the curry paste, and stir well for a while.

Add yellow noodles.


After stir-frying the zucchini with curry paste, then add the yellow noodles which have been soaked in salt water before. With a quick motion, stir them. Then cook for about three minutes while constantly stirring them so they don't get burnt.

Before serving, add a teaspoon of salt, or according to taste. Then, serve them while warm.

The Results


Pssst, don't yellow noodles look like yellow rice now? Oh, I didn't expect that from broken yellow noodles, to a delicious, filling dish.

I added a sprinkling of sesame seeds and also, chili powder because I love the spicy taste. You can add crispy snacks as well to complete this dish.


I'm very happy to be able to buy yellow noodles at half the original price. Even though they are imperfect noodles in length, they are still filling noodles. I love it!

As usual, for my husband, he added lots of spicy sauce to taste this yellow noodle dish that can be according to his taste bud. He said he liked it. Well, I'm not disappointed that I brought broken yellow noodles into the kitchen. It's all worth it. What do you think?


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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