Sweet And Savory Strawberry Toast

Make your day always like a beautiful day.
Combine sweet and savory flavors for your dish to start the day.




The older I get, the more I appreciate what is called "free time". I can get up early and go out on my bike. See what's going on around. And shop at the market.


When I was in my twenties, I used to be an employee at a state-owned oil company. I can't feel the meaning of “free time” at all. The time I have is just about working on other people's dream targets. I woke up in the morning with the sole purpose of going to the office and coming home like a robot, not a human at that time. In the past, even my creative mind died among the piles of files on my office computer. Then, a few years after going through what I thought was a horrible time, I gave myself away from the company. I want to do what is my dream, not someone else's dream.


Strolling around the fruit market today, I smiled at what I could do. For now, I just want to give inspiration to others on how we can live happily without any pressure.


We work to live, not live to work. We have to live the other side of life which is not just about breathing. We have to love each other, share, and most importantly we can live life according to what we dream of.

Fresh Strawberry Like Energy Power


I arrived at the fruit market. I eagerly approached the fresh strawberries. I plan to make breakfast with strawberry ingredients.

Fresh strawberries remind me of the power of our energy and about time. We all have a time that does not last forever on Earth. Time will go on and will not come back.


Like fresh strawberries, it will quickly turn towards rotting. That's our energy that is put to good use before our energy runs out by our age.

Looking at the blue sky every day, I know there is always hope. Although many people hope is just a trick of life. For me, hope is about us. About how we can grow even though we don't know what will grow us well in the future.



After buying strawberries, I go home while enjoying the streets that are not too crowded. Don't forget to look up at the sky once in a while. Up there many people look, just to expand their chest as wide as the sky for heavy problems.

All I Need For Making Breakfast


  • 250 grams of fresh strawberries
  • 1/4 cup of sugars
  • bread
  • enough coconut cream
  • Enough dried coconut or almonds for topping

Homemade Strawberry Jam

As I said before, I'm going to make a breakfast menu about strawberries. So, for starters, I'm going to reserve the strawberries for jam.

EFADCF2A-4334-4904-9C38-3F65813C567B.jpegFirst, I soak the strawberries in salt water to get rid of any dirt or tiny worms that are hiding. After 15 minutes, wash the strawberries with clean water.


Then, I crushed the strawberries manually. I just use a pounder. Place the strawberries in a bowl, then press them with a pounder until they have a pulp-like texture.


Add sugar and strawberry pulp into a saucepan. Then cook them until the water content reduces and their texture becomes thick. Then they are ready to use as jam.


Air Fryer Toast



For toast, I use an air fryer. You can use whatever equipment you have to make toast. The simplest way can also use a regular cooking pot.

I chose to use an air fryer to save time. When roasting bread using an air fryer, I cooked strawberry pulp into strawberry jam. So it's all a time saver.

Another thing is because I only have one cooking pot. So, I have to use different cookware for efficient cooking time without having to wait for one or the other ingredients to cook.

Serving Toasts

Prepare a serving plate. Then place the toast on a serving plate. I used two toasts to make a thicker texture because I was going to add cream. But, you can also just use a toast.


Then, apply a plant-based cream. I use coconut cream. Apply all you want. Oh, this is the part I love!


Add strawberry jam on top of the plant-based cream. Well, the color looks perfect!


In the last step, sprinkle them with dried coconut. If you don't have dried coconut, you can replace it with roasted almonds.

Interesting combination for me. Sweet, slightly sour, but then salty. Complement each other. A breakfast menu that brings joy to my day.

Fun fact, we can make strawberry milk from the leftover strawberry jam. We can also store the strawberry jam for the next few days.

Don't be afraid to have a leftover strawberry jam. We can even make strawberry muffins, also as a mixture of banana smoothies. Enjoy trying this variation if you have the opportunity in the future.

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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