Homemade Hash Brown Plant-based Version

When we find it difficult to get the food we like at certain restaurants, then making your own at home is the best option with the simplest version you can.



The warm smell of hash brown in the morning, it opened my eyes and gave me the energy to enjoy breakfast. I still remember that happy moment in a hotel during my staycation in the past.

Right now I'm craving hash brown, but it's hard to get it from the restaurant where I live. But there is one option, which is at Mc Donalds. But it turns out that the hash brown taste served at Mc Donalds is not what I want. The taste is not like the taste I remember in my memory.

When I looked in the online store, the shipping price was even more expensive than the hash brown itself. So I decided to make homemade hash brown.



The homemade hash brown that I made this time is in a plant-based version without using eggs. By the way, about my hash brown color which is a bit yellowish, that's because I used turmeric powder (you can skip not using turmeric powder).

Stay tuned for the recipe and don't forget to give your feedback about this recipe.

The Ingredients


  • A large potato
  • 3-4 of tablespoons corn starch
  • 1 teaspoon of fine salt
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of coriander powder
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • optional seasoning powder

Cooking Instructions

Peel the potatoes and grate the potatoes. Use a grater that is not too smooth. We can still see the texture of the potato. Avoid turning the potatoes into pulp.



It's important to get a rough potato texture, but you can't just use a knife. I hope you guys can have the kind of grater like mine.

After the potatoes have been grated, bring the water to a boil. After the water boils, add the grated potatoes and cook for a while.


Stir occasionally grated potatoes. This is also to find out if the potatoes are cooked. Remember, don't overcook.

Remove and drain the boiled grated potatoes. Use a paper towel or cheesecloth to soak up the remaining water.



After the boiled grated potato looks waterless, then add all the seasoning ingredients to the boiled grated potato.



Then mix and mix well. Make the dough easy to shape. If it's still hard to form, add a little corn starch.

Form the dough on the tray. Here I formed the dough like a box shape. One potato creates 4 hash browns.



Once formed, store the hash browns in the freezer overnight. So we can't fry these hash browns directly.


That will make the dough will be cracked when fried immediately because it does not use eggs in the dough. So we have to freeze the plant-based hash brown first.



Here is the hash brown I've frozen. Wow, looks beautiful! I can't wait to fry these hash browns.

Heat the oil and fry the hash brown until golden brown. When frying has browns, I was very nervous because I was afraid it wouldn't work.


The Results



I am very happy that I can make a homemade hash brown in a plant-based version without an egg. The shape is not very similar to the original hash brown. But I am satisfied with the end result.



Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. Perfect! It was delicious, savory, and my mother agreed to it.

Serve with your favorite sauce to complete the hash brown dishes. Perfect!



Have a great day!

I hope you can find what you deserve to find today. Have a great day, good people, HIVE Lovers!

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

All Pictures Were Taken by iPhone 11.





Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Make sure you follow her blog as well for some interesting discussions about life other than food.
If you need a copywriter for your projects, Anggrek Lestari will be ready to help you.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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