Hive Fine Dining #3 Slices Of Plant Based Meats

When the price of meat is too expensive.
Vegan meats can be a delicious alternative.



Life is all about choices. But, that doesn't mean the choices we choose to make us regret them. From that choice, we learn to appreciate every moment that comes in life and how we respond to every problem that comes in our life.

There is also a choice that makes us unable to choose another option. Other people say it's a forced choice, but I don't agree with the forced saying. It is a choice that actually allows us to learn new things and accept other things wisely. How can we be happy even though we accept a choice that we don't like at first.

As is food. Maybe most of us always want to choose food that is always delicious. When we are faced with the choice to eat food that may not look good compared to other foods, we must learn to accept it.

This has happened to me and my family a lot since I was little. As I will share this time. I'm going to take you guys through to read about my preparation for cooking tofu served like slices of meat.


P.S. Maybe for you my dish is not similar to slices of meat, but this is about perspective, right? Tell me what you think then.

Tofu Is The Savior Of Protein


As a villager in our large suburb, it was very difficult for me to get meat supplies. Also, the occasional fish because I live far from the seafront.

So, for us, fish or meat are classified as expensive side dishes. Even though now I can afford to buy fish or meat.

Tofu is a protein savior for us, especially for those who live in rural areas far from the sea. I still remember my childhood vividly. I find it very difficult to eat fish or meat if it's not a big day celebration. So until now, I still think of tofu as an affordable source of protein but the nutrition shouldn't be underestimated.

Plus, I often see vegans using tofu as a source of plant-based protein. It makes me even more excited when we don't have the option to eat other sources of protein.

In addition, some of my elderly family members are no longer allowed to eat meat by doctors. So, tofu is still my favorite source of protein that I can serve to my family.

Shape of Tofu Becomes More Attractive


Luckily, tofu is easy to shape because of its soft texture. There are lots of people out there who mold tofu into patties, fish slices, cutlets, or even meatballs. Maybe those of you who have been following my blog for a long time have seen the various forms of tofu that I present.

Well, for this tofu variation, I'm going to shape the tofu like a layer of meat. Although the color of the tofu when served will be different from the color of the meat in general.

The color of the slices of tofu will be paler, even though the tofu has been marinated in the chili solution. For a darker tofu final color, you can marinate the tofu in the soy sauce mixture.

Thin Slices Tofu.

First, prepare the tofu. I deliberately chose a wider tofu to make it easier for me to shape the tofu with thin slices.

Then thinly slice the tofu slowly. But if you can't do that form, don't worry. Just cut the tofu according to your taste.

Marinate Tofu.

I prepared the marinade mix for the tofu. I use a mixture of a tablespoon of chili powder, a teaspoon of salt, and a teaspoon of coriander. With enough water so that all the tofu can be covered with water.

Add the slices of tofu to the marinade mixture. Then leave it for about 15 minutes or more. It depends on the time you use to cook. If you want to save time, use only 15 minutes for the tofu marinade.

Fry Slices Of Tofu.

Heat the oil. Then fry the slices of tofu. We can use a little oil or even use the deep fry method. This time, I'm using the deep fry method to speed up the cooking time.

Set aside while draining the oil. Then, I will prepare another dish to complete the tofu dish.

Stir-fried Baby Corn and Green Beans

I chose baby corn and green beans to complete the tofu serving. All of these vegetables have a crunchy texture. It is my favorite to kill boredom when eating vegetables.

The Ingredients:


  • 150 grams of baby corn
  • 100 grams of green beans
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped garlic and onion
  • about the thumb-size of a flaked ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • optional microgreens for serving

Cooking Instructions.



prepare the veggies. cut baby corn and green beans. well, you can use other green veggies like asparagus, or even broccoli.

Heat the oil for the deep fry method. Then, fry sliced green beans. This time I used a technique often used in restaurants (which I saw via social media).

Then, drain the fried green beans. Reduce the oil in the frying pan.


Stir-fry ginger, chopped garlic, and onion until they have a nice fragrance. Then, add the chopped baby corn. Add just a little water so they don't burn. Cook them until the texture of baby corn becomes according to your taste.


Before serving, add the fried green beans. Mix well, add seasoning and soy sauce.


Arrange neatly the fried slices of tofu on a serving plate. I arrange them without overlapping each other.

Then, on one side of the slices of tofu, add the stir-fried baby corn and green beans. Next, add microgreens as garnishes, or you can use any herbs that suit your taste.


In the final step, add the sauce to the sliced area of fried tofu. Voila! I end up with a dish similar to the one I eat at a restaurant.



Homemade is the best and cheaper than eating at a restaurant. Although sometimes we need experience in a restaurant once in a while. So, what about your response to my creation this time?

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Hive Fine Dining #1 Asparagus French Fries


Hive Fine Dining #2 Mustard Green Flowers With Sweet Potatoes

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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