Garlic and Carrot Soup To Boost Collagen For Beautiful Skin

Boosting collagen for the beauty of our skin naturally with foods that are easily found around us.


Collagen plays an important role in skin elasticity. As we get older, wrinkles on the skin are inevitable. The right lifestyle and diet can help to reduce these wrinkles. At least, wrinkles will last longer on our skin.

At the age of 30, I started to worry about the elasticity of my skin. The universe is indeed good. By accident, I came across many articles discussing foods to boost collagen for skin. I found these articles while looking for recipe ideas.

I also concluded that some food ingredients that are good for making us durable also promote beautiful skin. Among these food ingredients are carrots and garlic.


We can get the goodness of Vitamin A in carrots. It can increase skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles, because of its role in supporting the regeneration of skin cells.

Meanwhile, garlic is also effective in fighting signs of aging because it contains antioxidants which play an active role in fighting free radicals. These free radicals can make your skin look older.

Whoa, I think I'm really happy because I always have a supply of carrots and garlic. Also, of course carrots and garlic can be mixed with a variety of daily cooking ideas. Perfect.

So, in this blog, I will share with you a soup recipe that is not only healthy but helps us take care of our skin to get healthier and more beautiful skin. I will use carrots and garlic as the main ingredients.



Meanwhile, I also have a supply of oyster mushrooms. They will rot soon if I don't use them soon. So, I decided to add oyster mushrooms to the carrot and garlic soup. You can skip these oyster mushrooms ingredients if you don't like them and or if you don't have a supply of oyster mushrooms.



  • 2-3 carrots
  • 100 grams of oyster mushrooms
  • 5 cloves of garlic, flattened
  • 1/2 clove of big onion, sliced
  • 5 small cloves of red onion, sliced
  • a thumb size of ginger, flattened
  • 3-5 cm of cinnamon stalks
  • 2 bay leaves (dried or fresh leaves)
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tsp of sugar
  • 800 ml of water



Prepare all ingredients. Slice oyster mushrooms and carrots. Onion slices. Flatten the ginger, also crush the garlic.

For the carrots, I shaped them into flowers manually using a knife. You also slice the carrots in normal pieces because it won't affect the taste.

For this recipe, I deliberately did not slice or mince the garlic. I just flatten the garlic so I can eat it in larger form later.


Heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Using olive oil is better. Then, add sliced red onions. Garlic, ginger, also bay leaves and cinnamon. Cook over low heat. Then leave it until it becomes fragrant for them to caramelize and soak in the oil. This makes the resulting food more fragrant and richer in taste without us needing to add additional seasonings.


Once you smell the delicious aroma of the onion and garlic mixture, add water. Also, salt and sugar. And, add carrots, mushrooms.

Increase heat to medium. Then, cook them for about 10 minutes covered.




Serve the carrot and garlic soup while warm. You can add chopped celery leaves or sprinkle with fried onions. Yummy!


I was quite surprised. It turns out that the taste of flattened garlic that has been cooked in clear soup is as delicious as it is. I just realized why Chinese people like to eat garlic. They look healthy and have healthy skin even though they are old. Maybe this is one of their reasons. Let me know if you know the exact reason. :)

Now I have gained new knowledge which hopefully will also give you new inspiration. I will more often eat whole garlic without chopping it. That's really delicious. Well, I'm also thinking about making garlic confit. Sounds like a great idea. See you on my next recipe!

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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