Air Fryer Eggplant Balls

This recipe is for those who like eggplant with a delicious combination of cashews.


Eggplant has always been my favorite. Moreover, now I plant it myself in my organic garden. There are many Indonesian menus with delicious eggplant ingredients. Starting from spicy stir-fried eggplants, fried eggplants, curry eggplants, and more.

This time I will try something new with eggplant ingredients. In fact, this menu often appears on the Pinterest homepage. So, this time I will make eggplant balls which I will serve as an appetizer for iftar.

We can serve eggplant balls with sauce, or we can stir-fry them again with some of the flavors. But for this time, I chose the simple one. Just serve them with spicy sauce.


The main ingredients used only require two types of ingredients, namely eggplants and cashews. The rest is adding corn flour, and all-purpose flour, as well as general seasoning. For cashews that will be made into crumbs, you can replace them with almonds or peanuts.

For the cooking method, I use an air fryer to avoid using oil. But you can fry eggplant balls in general if you don't have an air fryer or an oven.


I am very happy that the first recipe I made turned out well with a delicious taste. My husband even finished these vegan eggplant balls. So, I'm excited to share the recipe with you here. Stay tuned.


the dough

  • 2 medium purple eggplants
  • 1/4 cup of cashews
  • 2 tbsp of corn starch
  • 3 tbsp of all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup of water


  • 5 small cloves of red onion/shallots, finely chopped
  • 3 small cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tsp of coriander powder
  • enough chopped celery
  • (optional) results to serve


Toast Cashews


Use a pan without oil. Toast or roast cashews in a couple of minutes until slightly browned. Then lift.

Blend Cashews


Prepare a food processor or a blender in general. Then, blend the roasted cashews until they turn into a crumb texture. Please pay attention not to take too long with this process because it will cause the cashews to release oil and become cashews butter apparently with peanut butter.

Prepare Eggplants


First, we need to peel the eggplants. Then, prepare a bowl filled with water with a tablespoon of salt.


After peeling the eggplants, cut the eggplants into cubes then add them to salted water. Soak them for at least 10 minutes.

Stir Fry Seasoning


Wash again soaked eggplants. Then, prepare a cooking pan. Preheat a little cooking oil. Then, add chopped garlic and chopped red onion. Cook over low heat until they smell delicious.

Stir Fry Eggplants


Add eggplants. Stir-fry for a while. Then, add salt, coriander powder, and chopped celery. Stir-fry them well.




Add 1/4 cup of water. Then stir them until they combine well. After that, cook them for about 5 minutes. Then, remove.

Mash Stir Fried Eggplants


After the stir-fried eggplants are removed, then transfer them into a big bowl. Mash them with a potato masher, or a fork, or a balloon whisk.

Add Flour



I don't mix all the flour. First, I added 2 tablespoons of corn flour. Then stir them until smooth. Then, if the dough still feels soft, then I add more all-purpose flour little by little. Up to 3 tbsp of all-purpose flour.



Stir the dough again. Indeed, the dough will not look dense. But that doesn't matter because we will scoop the dough and later they will form nicely by themselves just like meatball dough in general.

Add Eggplant Balls Into Air Fryer Basket


Prepare the air-fryer basket, then scoop the dough and add into a basket. Don't forget to leave a little space so that the eggplant balls don't stick to each other.

Roast Eggplant Balls


Roast eggplant balls 20 minutes per side. They will golden brown nicely.


Remove eggplant balls from the air-fryer or frying method. Then, serve eggplant balls with your favorite sauce, also basil.

In fact, I like the new menu variations from eggplant ingredients. The savory dish which is suitable as an appetizer or just as a snack. Do you want to try these vegan eggplant balls?

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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