Where Are My Books? Another Update on Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey


This is a follow up to I ordered a first print of 50 A5-sized Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey books, which followed the power of complaining, an update that came after my printed books arrived ( and were almost stolen!) and so on and so forth...

Are you still following me? If so, you're pretty legendary. If not, no worries, it's hard to keep up.

Fun fact ( not so funny for me ):

Three weeks after ordering the first print, the books still haven't arrived.

That is: not at my place, in Portugal.

As seems to be the fashion, these days, everything is delayed ( or fashionably late ).

It helps that, after 5 years in this country, I have become pretty patient.

'cause, otherwise, I would probably freak out by now and eat all my nails, including my toe nails, out of boredom and frustration.

Don't try the latter at home. Especially ( not ) if you're not into cheese

So, without further ado, I wanted to update you on the current state of my books or - to be more precise:

where they're at.

If I need to believe my mom, the 30 or so books that she sent out ( of which 10 are looking good and the other 20 find themselves in different stages of imperfection ), will arrive at the mail pickup point across the street from me, on Monday

( so just 5 more days of practicing patience for those ).

Then, there's the reprint of 35 books. The 2nd print, in a way, that I managed to get done, for free, thanks to my complaining power.

I learnt, yesterday, after yet another printer issue thingy at the print company, followed by several days of delay in sending out the package ( due to bus(y)(i)ness ), that the parcel has been sent to me and that it is on its way to Portugal, right now. In fact, it is expected to arrive here in two days, this Friday.

I am pretty excited for that :<)

In the meantime, all these weeks, instead of waiting, I have done my part of reaching out to people, trying to sell or at least promote my book ( basically face to face and on Hive as well as via my mom and via the dinosaur LinkedIn ).

Although the requests are trickling in slower than The Portuguese rain is falling, these days, everybody who has received my book so far seems extremely positive ( and, let's be honest, how can you not be friendly to a guy/ friendly dino like me?)
only the soulless

I also talked about my book at the local library and received the email of a woman from the council who, apparently, decides whether my book will make it to the library shelves and tables and whether there is a chance for wider distribution.

Why not? me thinks

After all, I am a writer, living in this town and - in all honesty - my writing is a lot less boring than that in the average books.

I am honestly curious whether they will be able to see the value in a unique book like mine :<)

Time will tell.

And then, after my first movie night ( kickoff ), last Thursday, a fellow writer, a Portuguese woman who I have known for 4 to 5 years, suggested to me that I could try a book launch, one of these days.

I'll think about it.

In all honesty, there's more than enough possibilities to hand out and or sell my books and to spread the word about (y)our favorite philosoraptor: Hypersensitivosaurus.

I am seriously curious to find out what all of this will lead to and guess we'll know more in the next couple of months.

I'll keep you all posted on my creative journey, as per usual.

If you're into listening, more than reading, you might also want to treat your ears to my voice by giving my podcast, that I started late February, a chance. In The Life of Hypersensitivosaurus I talk about the everchanging and totally unpredictable creative process.

In my most recent episode, I explain how I got back into game making, three and a half years after Hypersensitivosaurus first appeared ( as the main character in a little dinosaur game ) titled Hypersensitivosaurus:


TO BE CONVINUED as my (creative) life is a Neverending Story

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