Hive Book Club : Video Recording of the Seventh Book Voice Chat Discord Session!

Seventh Heaven, ain't that how they say it. xd Hello wonderful people of the Hive book club community. I am here again to share with you guys the recording of our last book chat, our Seventh episode. Wow, what a distance we've come.

Yesterday, 4th of December 2021 we had our Seventh book chat. It was beautiful. We had some new faces and even though people couldn't stay till the end, we still had fun chatting. I guess we all had Internet issues yesterday, haha. Today I have come to share with you guys the recording of the lovely discussion we had yesterday.


Yesterdays topic was about Lets Talk About Classics

We started off with what comes to mind when we hear classics. A lot of ideas came, but eventually we all came to the agreement that Classics are books are book of enduring value. Ones that have stood the test time, good or bad.

  • I mentioned the beautiful work of George Orwell, Animal Farm and The Prophet by Khalil Gibran

  • @notacinephile mentioned The Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy. A crazy book with a lot of intrigue and as you'd expect, a lot of philosophy, xd. This is one to read.

A couple of other guys popped in.
@Samostically @nonsowrites and @khoola. Thank you guys for stopping by, hope you stay till the end This Saturday.


It was a great session. I had fun listening and talking with you guys. There was a slight interruption with my internet but I was able to get it back on. I know the text are a bit distracting, but you can try to just focus on the voice alone. Please do drop any topic you would like us to talk about or any feedback at all.

you can join through this discord link Do also invite your friends. Till Saturday. cheers.

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