Review of "The Witch of Portobello"// Reseña de "La Bruja de Portobello"

Greetings friends of @hivebookclub!!!!//¡¡Saludos amigos de @hivebookclub!!

I am pleased to be with you to bring you the review of the novel "The Witch of Portobello", which I had the opportunity to read recently, getting it very interesting so I wanted to capture it in this post.

Me complace estar con ustedes para traerles la reseña de la novela "La Bruja de Portobello",la cual tuve la oportunidad de leer recientemente,consiguiéndola muy interesante por lo que quise plasmarla en este post.


"The Witch of Portobello" is a novel written by Paulo Coelho, whose plot is based on the life of Sherine Khail, commonly called Athena which means goddess of wisdom, intelligence and war, her real mother abandoned her in an orphanage and was adopted by a Lebanese woman and a businessman who raised her as their own daughter and loved her very much, the family was established in London.

"La Bruja de Portobello",es una novela escrita por Paulo Coelho,cuya trama se basa en relatar la vida de Sherine Khail,llamada comúnmente Athena que significa diosa de la sabiduría,de la inteligencia y de la guerra;su verdadera madre la abandono en un orfanato y fue adoptada por una mujer libanesa y un empresario quienes la criaron como su propia hija y la querían mucho,la familia estaba estableció en Londres.

At the age of 12 Athena already had a religious vocation, she lived in the church, she knew the gospels and expressed that she had invisible friends like angels and saints, she affirmed that she saw a woman dressed in white similar to the Virgin Mary; when she was 19 years old and in college she met Lucas Jessen Petersen with whom she fell in love and got married, after a few months they had a son named Viorel; the couple faced many problems which resulted in a divorce and then Lucas remarried.

Ya a los 12 años Athena tenia vocación religiosa vivía metida en la iglesia,sabia evangelios y expresaba que tenia amigos invisibles como ángeles y santos,afirmaba que veía una mujer vestida de blanco parecida a la virgen Maria;a sus 19 años estando en la universidad conoce a Lucas Jessen Petersen de quien se enamora y contrae matrimonio,al cabo de unos meses tiene un hijo llamado Viorel;la pareja enfrento muchos problemas lo que trajo como consecuencia que se divorciaran y luego Lucas se volvió a casar.


Throughout her life Athena was curious to know her real mother; until one day she decides to travel to Romania; where she meets her, a gypsy woman who expressed her regret for having abandoned her; however Athena forgives her and makes up with her.

Durante toda su vida Athena tuvo curiosidad por conocer a su verdadera madre ;hasta que un día decide viajar a Rumania;donde la consigue, una mujer gitana que le expreso su arrepentimiento por haberla abandonado;sin embargo Athena la perdona y hace las pases con ella.

Athena began to express through dance her way of identifying with herself and with the outside world, she transformed and transported herself to another world, while in a trance she was able to express events that happened to people, omens and predictions that no one knew; according to her she became Saint Sophia giving her the virtues of a priestess and at the same time a spiritualist, this made her famous for her rituals and omens giving rise to her being called "The Witch of Portobello" in the newspapers.

Athena comienza a expresar a través del baile su forma de identificarse consigo misma y con el mundo exterior,se trasformaba y trasportaba a otro mundo,mientras estaba en trance era capaz de expresar hechos que acontecieron a las personas,presagios y predicciones que nadie sabia;según ella se convertía en Santa Sofia dándole virtudes de sacerdotisa y a la ves de espiritualista esto la hizo famosa;por sus rituales y presagios dando pie a que en los periódicos la llamaran "La Bruja de Portobello".


All this fame brought her problems between religion and paganism, creating some enemies who shouted her death and generated a climate of danger for her that ended in her assassination in Hampstead.

Toda esta fama le trajo problemas entre la religión y lo pagano,creando algunos enemigos que gritaban su muerte y que genero un clima de peligro para ella que termino en su asesinato en Hampstead.


My personal opinion is that this is a very interesting novel that highlights the female figure and her need to reflect and direct her life towards the search for the personal, where the protagonist decides to live life in freedom expressing what she feels as her true self, without masks or lies, achieving a balance between the physical and the magical, I think it is a good lesson that gives us this story that makes us reflect that we should always show ourselves as we really are and live the world that surrounds us as it presents itself.

Mi opinión personal es que esta es una novela muy interesante que resalta la figura femenina y sus necesidades de reflexionar y dirigir su vida hacia la búsqueda de lo personal,donde la protagonista decide vivir la vida en libertad expresando lo que siente como su verdadero ser;sin mascaras ni mentiras,logrando el equilibrio entre lo físico y lo mágico,pienso que es una buena lección la que nos da esta historia que nos hace reflexionar en que siempre debemos mostrarnos como en realidad somos y vivir el mundo que nos envuelve tal cual se presente.


Translator used Deepl

Images edited by Pic-collage

Traductor utilizado Deepl

Imagenes editas por Pic-collage


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