Hive Book Club : Video Recording of the Twelfth Book Voice Chat Discord Session!!!

Hello community, @stevenson7 here, and I will be sharing with you guys the recording of the last Hive Book club Voice Chat. This is in a bid to encourage you to join in on the fun.

Last Saturday, 5th of February 2021 we had our twelfth official book voice chat and it was splendid.


The topic was

Topic: What do you think makes a good book in different genres

I didn't put too much thought into the question, leaving us with a broad scope. Everyone did try to summarize thier answers anyways.

  • I kicked off the chat with my asnwers first. It turned out that I gave almost the all the possible qualities of a good book; From a good title to a strong opening, then a nice set of characters for fiction and a great plot, etc.

Even with me saying almost everything, everyone still had one thing that made a good book for them, personally speaking.

  • @Iska mentioned that she liked when a book is very descriptive

  • @wolfofnostreet (who joined us for the first time) also talked about the importance of a good plot and characters in a good book

  • @rexsanguis shared how vital suspense is in a book, and a good plottwist

  • @osarueseosato, @khoola and @notacinephile also voiced out what makes a book good for them and it was pretty intresting.

There was a raffle of $10 hive sponsored by @rubido, won by notacinphile, (among other freebies). It was a fun chat. Everyone shared thier opinion. At some point we went off-topic and started talking about self-help books and how repetitive they are. Sheesh, I don't think any author of the self-help genre would make a dime from them, haha.

Please do drop any topic you would like us to discuss for the next meeting or any feedback at all down, below in the comments.

Every saturday the hive book club Admins organise a voice chat where booklovers come to talk about books and all. Nothing official, just a casual chat of random folks with similar interest, having a chat. You can also opt to stay mute. Just listening in, is fine. You can join through this discord link. Also follow our twitter as we would be moving to twitter space pretty soon.
Do also invite your friends. Till next Saturday. cheers

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