Hive Book Club : Video Recording of the Tenth Book Voice Chat Discord Session!!!

Hello community, @stevenson7 here, today I will be sharing with you all the recorded version of our last hive book voice chat which was held last Saturday on discord.

Last Saturday, 22nd of January 2021 we had our tenth official book voice chat. It is the first bookchat of the year after a lot of procastination, for good reasons. xd


Yesterday's topic was it's a new year, how many books did you read last year and what are your book resolutions for this year??

It seemed like a perfect topic to start off the year. I have always believed I can read as much as 50 books a year, even though I haven't met that target before but its totally attainnable. Like most of us, I didn't have a great last year but I plan on picking up this year. I intend on reading at least two books a month, same as @allani545 the Aussie, lol. It was his first session and it was beautiful

@nonsowrites didn't have a great last year in terms of books like most of us, but he plans on reading five books this year. Like he said, "its all about quality not quantity".

@young-boss-karin also was around. She plans on reading ten books this year, to better the previous one.

Thank you to everyone that Joined. Much appreciated. Thank you @khoola, even though you popped in late.

It was a fun chat. A chill and comfortable atmosphere it was. Everyone surely has big plans for thier book life for the year ahead and I can only wish you guys goodluck. May the god of books help us attain our target and more. Also if you'd prefer not to be tagged, do let me know please.

Please do drop any topic you would like us to talk about or any feedback at all down below in the comments.

Every saturday the hive book club Admins organise a voice chat were booklovers come to talk about books and all. Nothing official, just a casual chat of random folks with similar interest having a chat. You can also opt to stay mute, just listening in is fine. You can join through this discord link Do also invite your friends. Till nex Saturday. cheers.

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