Hive Book Club : Video Recording of the Ninth Book Voice Chat Discord Session!

Hello community, @stevenson7 here, today I will be sharing with you all the recorded version of our last hive book voice chat which was held last Saturday on discord.

Last Saturday, 18th of December 2021 we had our Ninth official book voice chat. It was lovely, albeit, we did not have as much turn out as we did the last time before the day before yesterday but it wasn't anyless. engaging.


Yesterday's topic was If you are/were an author what genre would you write on and why?

I I'd love to write on the self-help genre because I feel there is a lot of trite snd cliche books out there with a lot of repetition and all. I would love to set that straight.

Well, his username says he is not a cinephile but @notacinephile talked about how he would love to write about fiction works about Cinemas. He also made a very important point, that to write about a genre one should be an expert in it.

@Khaleesii graced the chat with her presence for the first time. She said she would love to delve into the dating genre. She feels the book of old are exactly that, old and we need new and updated materials.

@chinyerevivian would like to write literary fiction. A great choice.

@esther-emmanuel gave us something interesting. Historical Fiction. That surely would be nice.

@iskafan and @osarueseosato mentioned the genres the'd love to write about.

Thank you to everyone that Joined. Much appreciated. Thank you @khoola


What a session it was. There was this chill and relaxing atmosphere to everything. Lovely stuff. Also if you'd prefer not to be tagged, do let me know please.

Please do drop any topic you would like us to talk about or any feedback at all down below in the comments.

Every saturday the hive book club Admins organise a voice chat were booklovers come to talk about books and all. Nothing official, just a casual chat of random folks with similar interest having a chat. you can join through this discord link Do also invite your friends. Till Saturday. cheers.

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