Przysta艅 lepszego jutra 馃挆 Book Review

馃晩"We can't choose who we will be related to, but we can choose who will be our family."馃晩

"Przysta艅 lepszego jutra" (ENG: "Haven of a Better Tomorrow") is the latest book from under the pen of Polish author Monika Rutka.

馃It is the story of seventeen-year-old Jane Miller, who struggles with the loss of Wanda - her legal guardian and the last person close to her. The orphaned girl ends up in the home of the Wellingtons, Wanda's relatives, with whom she has to wait until her eighteenth birthday. She is helped to find her way in her new reality by her new guardians' sons, eighteen-year-old Luke and six-year-old Miles, as well as new friends Lucy, Brian, Patrick and Hayden. During her time in the new place, away from her old life, Jane matures, makes new friends, and realises a lot. She gives in to the feelings she has held inside her for a long time and learns how to follow her heart.馃

馃The first thing that came to mind after reading the book was that it is rich in many valuable and metaphor-laden dialogues between the characters, or thoughts of the main character, to which many people could find reference in their lives. Admittedly, it was hard for me at first to get used to characters not much younger than me having such mature conversations with each other, but I understand that this was the author's intention and it worked out well.馃

馃It's a story that makes you realise that regardless of background or wealth, people can struggle with all sorts of problems, although they often hide it. The book also shows the huge importance of the kind of people we surround ourselves with and how much they can influence us. The pack of friends that Jane ends up with is made up of people who are always ready to show support and help each other in a difficult situation. Even six-year-old Miles proves to be an example of the perfect friend. The way the relationships between the characters are portrayed somehow becomes comfortable for the reader, as if he or she is one of them.馃

馃I was surprised to find out that there were references to the author's other works in the book, there were even a few scenes with the main character of "The Chain" trilogy, which I think makes all of Rutka's books connect in a way. I was also taken aback by the aforementioned way the characters spoke. It seems to me that in "The Chain", the teenagers living in the same times spoke to each other in a completely different way than those in "Przysta艅 lepszego jutra", so it was a bit confusing for me after reading the aforementioned trilogy.馃

馃All in all, I really enjoyed "Przysta艅 lepszego jutra", it's such a breakaway read. I look forward to its sequel!馃

Stay tuned!

馃晩"Nie mo偶emy wybra膰, z kim po艂膮czy nas pokrewie艅stwo, ale mo偶emy zdecydowa膰, kto b臋dzie nasz膮 rodzin膮."馃晩

"Przysta艅 lepszego jutra" to najnowsza ksi膮偶ka spod pi贸ra polskiej autorki Moniki Rutki.

馃To historia siedemnastoletniej Jane Miller, kt贸ra mierzy si臋 ze strat膮 Wandy - swojej opiekunki prawnej, a zarazem ostatniej bliskiej osoby. Osierocona dziewczyna trafia do domu Wellington贸w, krewnych Wandy, u kt贸rych musi doczeka膰 osiemnastych urodzin. W odnalezieniu si臋 w nowej rzeczywisto艣ci pomagaj膮 jej synowie nowych opiekun贸w - osiemnastoletni Luke i sze艣cioletni Miles, a tak偶e nowi przyjaciele - Lucy, Brian, Patrick i Hayden. Podczas pobytu w nowym miejscu, z dala od starego 偶ycia, Jane dojrzewa, nawi膮zuje nowe przyja藕nie, i wiele sobie u艣wiadamia. Poddaje si臋 uczuciom, kt贸re trzyma艂a w sobie przez d艂ugi czas i uczy si臋, jak i艣膰 za g艂osem serca.馃

馃Pierwsze, co przysz艂o mi na my艣l po przeczytaniu ksi膮偶ki, to fakt, 偶e jest ona bogata w wiele warto艣ciowych i pe艂nych metafor dialog贸w pomi臋dzy bohaterami lub przemy艣le艅 g艂贸wnej bohaterki, do kt贸rych wiele os贸b mog艂oby znale藕膰 odniesienie w swoim 偶yciu. Co prawda ci臋偶ko mi z pocz膮tku by艂o przywykn膮膰 do tego, 偶e bohaterowie niewiele m艂odsi ode mnie prowadzili ze sob膮 a偶 tak dojrza艂e rozmowy, ale rozumiem, 偶e taki by艂 zamys艂 autorki i wysz艂o to na dobre.馃

馃To historia, kt贸ra u艣wiadamia, 偶e niezale偶nie od pochodzenia czy stanu maj膮tkowego, ludzie mog膮 zmaga膰 si臋 z r贸偶nymi problemami, chocia偶 cz臋sto to ukrywaj膮. Ksi膮偶ka pokazuje r贸wnie偶, jak ogromne znaczenie ma to, jakimi lud藕mi si臋 otaczamy i jak bardzo potrafi膮 oni na nas wp艂ywa膰. Paczka przyjaci贸艂, do kt贸rej trafi艂a Jane, sk艂ada si臋 z os贸b gotowych zawsze okaza膰 sobie wsparcie i pomoc w trudnej sytuacji. Nawet sze艣cioletni Miles okazuje si臋 przyk艂adem idealnego przyjaciela. Spos贸b, w jaki przedstawiony s膮 relacje mi臋dzy bohaterami staje si臋 w pewien spos贸b komfortowy dla czytelnika, jakby to on by艂 jednym z nich.馃

馃Zdziwi艂o mnie to, 偶e w ksi膮偶ce pojawi艂y si臋 odniesienia do innych prac autorki, by艂o nawet kilka scen z g艂贸wnym bohaterem trylogii "The Chain", co moim zdaniem sprawia, 偶e wszystkie ksi膮偶ki Rutki w pewien spos贸b si臋 ze sob膮 艂膮cz膮. By艂o to dla mnie r贸wnie偶 zdziwienie przez wspomniany wcze艣niej spos贸b wypowiadania si臋 bohater贸w. Wydaje mi si臋, 偶e w "The Chain" 偶yj膮cy w tych samych czasach nastolatkowie rozmawiali ze sob膮 w zupe艂nie inny spos贸b, ni偶 ci w "Przystani lepszego jutra", dlatego by艂o to dla mnie troch臋 myl膮ce po przeczytaniu wspomnianej trylogii.馃

馃Podsumowuj膮c, bardzo spodoba艂a mi si臋 "Przysta艅 lepszego jutra", to taka lektura na oderwanie si臋 od rzeczywisto艣ci. Czekam na jej nast臋pn膮 cz臋艣膰!馃

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