Complementos | Complements [ES/EN]


Él llevaba tiempo muerto, y ella quería escapar de tanta vida. Él ansiaba conocer emociones que le trajeran algún leve soplo a su corazón inerte, soñaba con amaneceres que de algún modo iluminaran los horizontes del «no puedo»; que le permitieran levantarse y andar, correr, volar... Ella sentía que la inercia de su vida, no la dejaba tomar un respiro, tener una buena charla consigo misma, un café quizás con sus deseos de ser acosada por el silencio, por la paz de saberse víctima de un suspiro que libera el alma, que la limpia, que la mimetiza con un «soy yo, solo yo». Él quería un comienzo, creía en segundas oportunidades. Ella quería solo sentar cabeza, tomar un respiro. Y fue entonces que ocurrió... sin conocerse aún, sintieron que no se necesitaban.

English version


He had been dead for a long time, and she wanted to escape from so much life. He longed for emotions that would bring some slight breath to his inert heart, he dreamed of dawns that would somehow illuminate the horizons of "I can't"; that would allow him to get up and walk, run, fly? She felt that the inertia of her life did not allow her to take a breath, to have a good talk with herself, a coffee perhaps with her desires to be harassed by silence, by the peace of knowing she was the victim of a sigh that frees the soul, that cleanses it, that mimics it with a "it's me, only me". He wanted a beginning, he believed in second chances. She just wanted to settle down, to take a breath. And that's when it happened... without knowing each other yet, they felt they did not need each other..


Créditos | Credits

Imagen utilizada | Image used

La imagen de portada fue generada utilizando Copilot de Bing | The cover image was generated using Copilot of Bing.

Traducción | Translation


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Testamento de una condena / Testament of a conviction (EN/ES)

Su mirada / Her gaze (EN/ES)

A ratos / At times (EN/ES)

Insignificante (ES/EN)

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