Al levantarse / When you get up (short story)

"Es necesario que vayas al hospital, tu esposa está a punto de dar a luz" le dijeron a José Morgado por radio. Este desvió el camión y piso el acelerador para llegar a su lado.

Desesperado, no notó que el pavimento estaba húmedo, su apuro y el exceso de velocidad ocasionaron que el camión colisionara con los separadores al perder el control. El colapso de la autopista, las luces de las sirenas y el griterío de las personas inundaron el momento.

Morgado no sabía donde estaba, ni lo que acaba de suceder, desesperado se levantó y caminó entre los presentes sin que nadie se interpusiera, corrió y se dirigió al lado de su esposa.

Horas más tarde, logró llegar al hospital y vio a su suegra entrando, la siguió gritando sin que está lo notara, entró a una habitación, la alcanzó y su rostro se iluminó. Allí estaba su esposa, junto a su hija. La vio dormida y puso el sobre con el dinero a un lado de ella, se puso a mirar a su bebé, emocionado, trató de tocarla y no pudo.

Una enfermera entró a cumplir con el tratamiento y mirando a la suegra dijo: "ella va a seguir dormida. Debe descansar. Por la mañana después de la revista es que puede informarle sobre el accidente de su esposo".

"You need to go to the hospital, your wife is about to give birth," José Morgado was told over the radio. He swerved the truck and stepped on the accelerator to get to her side.

In desperation, he did not notice that the pavement was wet, his haste and excessive speed caused the truck to collide with the dividers when he lost control. The collapse of the highway, the lights of the sirens and the shouting of people flooded the moment.

Morgado did not know where he was, nor what had just happened, desperate, he got up and walked among the people present without anyone getting in the way, he ran and went to his wife's side.

Hours later, he managed to reach the hospital and saw his mother-in-law entering, he followed her screaming without her noticing him, he entered a room, caught up with her and his face lit up. There was his wife, next to his daughter. He saw her asleep and put the envelope with the money next to her, he looked at his baby, excited, tried to touch her and could not.

A nurse came in to comply with the treatment and looking at the mother-in-law said: "She will remain asleep. She must rest. In the morning after the magazine is that you can inform her about her husband's accident".
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