entry reflections 68

** the shadow hunters contest has great acronym Show Me A SHadow = SMASH
so how about Show ME A Reflection = SMEAR😣🤔🤐
just kidding🙄

anyway here is my entry for reflections 68
we are growing some peas along the wall of a small playhouse in our garden. i have used a couple of thermopane windows which lean against the wall much like a greenhouse. to water the peas properly i moved the windows away and leaned them temporarily against our picket fence. when i walked past the glass i noticed a striking reflection of my legs so i got the camera and took this shot. the horizontal wood panels are the wall of the playhouse behind me. the spaces between the bottom of the pickets can be seem near the top of the photo. they are the only things visible through the highly reflective glass, everything else is a reflection

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