Catching reflections makes it easier to cope with the delay of the plane flight.


Those of you who have travelled by plane will know that flight delays are one of the constants one has to deal with when travelling.

One can despair, lament or get angry. But nothing will change. The plane will not take off on time.

On my last delayed flight I had some time ago at Barcelona airport I opted to hunt for reflexes as entertainment.

From the escalators leading from the passenger control to the terminal I caught a reflection of a souvenir stand.

A little later I wandered through the shopping area where there are light indicators, mainly for fast food restaurants.

My entry to Reflection Hunters Contest organized by @olgavita

The one with the most reflections was the Burger King.

And finally I caught the reflection of a bottle shelf in a shop with intense green lighting.

I didn't manage to get the plane out first, but I did manage to pass the time in an entertaining way.

Best regards.

Cover and separators created with (free version).

Pictures taken with my iPhone.

Translated with (free version).

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