New Arrival in Our Family.... Entry for SMASH#253

I live in a joint family where 22 people are living together in a house. All of the unit families have kids. A couple of weeks ago, my sister-in-law came to me and said that the population of our home was going to increase soon. It was a shocking news as I knew it was neither she nor I who would be the reason of the increase. Who else of the other two ladies? The one with five children already, or the one who is strictly following family planning..... 🤔

I was curious to know. I asked my sister-in-law. First she kept the suspense but finally revealed that it was her husband who would bring new beings in our home. Hehe. And by that evening we had four one-week old creatures in our home. The chicks.

I have heard of two major types of hens- farm hen and DESI hen. I don’t know what is the translation of the word “DESI" (Please let me know if anybody knows the meaning). The farm ones are lazy and weaker while Desi are active and stronger.

One distinction in the appearance of the two types is their color. The DESI type is black and white while the farm chicks are yellow.

As you can see these chicks are black. They are Desi. These chicks are of the kind that is used for cocks' battles .

While a farm chick is available at 50 to 80 Rupees, these DESI ones had a price of Rs. 250 each.

One of these chicks is bigger in size than the other three. The bigger one is faster than the others. I thought it was a male chick but my husband said that the growth of female chick is quicker when they are young. However, it is too early to predict which of them is male or female.

Not only they run fast but also jump high.

Because it is winter these days. Their cage is put in sun during the day time. One morning when they were enjoying the warmth obtained from the sun, their shadow fascinated me a lot.

I took my camera and captured the beauty to take part in SMASH contest.

So, this post is my entry for shadow hunter contest round #253 .


All images are taken by me via my mobile camera.

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