My very own villa development!

I'm often approached by villa owners that have bought a single home within an established villa development to redesign the interior of their home. In fact this is a big part of my company's income stream. Every time I take on one of these projects I find myself frustrated by the poor original design of the villa. So many times I wished I could do my own development from scratch. Design and build the entire village from the ground up, plant every tree, choose every detail, make every single decision from the most minute detail to the grand overall concept.

My brothers and I brainstormed on how to achieve this. What we needed was a landowner that trusted us enough to work with us but not interfere. A landowner that was open to the idea of setting aside a large enough piece of land for us to develop but happy to wait for each property to be sold before collecting their money.

Land is very valuable in Phuket and good plots are becoming scarcer and scarcer. But with my brothers' contacts and our company's reputation on the island for honestly and integrity, a deal was struck with a lovely family that owned a large amount of rubber forest not far from one of Phuket's nicest beaches. Punyisa Villas was born!

Punyisa is a beautiful word in Thai language and is actually the birth name of my niece. I decided it was to be the name for my first property development. It translates loosely into English as follows...

"To give up what you want so others can have what they need"

The land we have to utilise for my very own villa project is large! Enough for me to design 17 villas in a beautifully laid out master plan. Every home will have tropical gardens and the public infrastructure will include wide streets, footpaths, public gardens and shady trees with areas for kids to run around and people to exercise and relax.

Here is an aerial photo of the land when we cleared enough trees to start on phase 1......


Once the land deal was struck I got my team immediately to start work on creating the renders of my vision so we could start to approach potential clients interested in a luxury villa in a development designed from the ground up by little me! Here are a couple of external renders of the first home - it sold immediately and construction is well under way.



As soon as our 1st buyer signed his contract we wasted no time on starting construction. The first thing we did was buy our own excavator! Here are me and my bros - so excited!

Punyisa Staff Group-36 01.jpg

This all happened last year which is why I was away from Hive so long. I was just too busy getting this project up and running. We have sold 11 villas and at the time of writing this 7 are under construction. Our construction team has grown to nearly 200 strong and we have new architects, designers, engineers and project managers all on the payroll now. My company is growing and as it does of course my workload is crazy and my grey hairs are getting faster and faster haha.

Here are some pics of the construction over the last few months.....




Punyisa construction 01.jpg

Punyisa construction.jpg

Here are some renders of the interiors of the villas. We produce renders for each villa sold so as to allow each client to personlise the interiors to their own taste. I have taken great care to ensure plenty of ventilation and correct flow of interior spaces. The interiors are spacious yet with areas for privacy and relaxation. Colours are predominately light with green being the signature colour of special elements - like the handmade clay bricks from my last post.






Thanks for reading hivers. What do you think of my newest project? I hope you like it. I will update more again soon..:)

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