My Personal Office Space- The new normal!

Working from home is the new normal some are loving it and some aren't. I am happy working at home at the most comfortable place.
Designing my workplace was always what I wanted to do since last year. My recent workstation is in a tiny room at my home and it's quite cosy and functional but not aesthetically appealing. Sticking to a single idea is hard, So bringing up three different but alike office spaces at home's conceptual ideas with freedom of creativity is what our Architecture+Design community has come up with as a Contest

Here's my part to it-

Bold & Rustic

I was going though the pictures online and liked a chair in one but table of other picture, It was extremely hard to decide on what should I choose. So, I though why not create my own designs, it is good for my practice and brings a little flavour to the post.
The first one I choose is Bold and Rustic. With tints of colours to the boldness of the dark furniture brings up a very lively and enthusiastic room to work.
Starting from the rustic bold black rack and plenty of books, candles and showpieces adorned by the rack makes it more functional yet aesthetic. The dark wood shelves just above it makes the furniture covering the wall from bottom to ceiling. In contrast with dark furniture comes light coloured chairs. A office chair and a lounge chair(Since this is a home), Kept the table in contrast to the wooden flooring with its legs black.
To break this almost monochromatic bold combination, I thought of adding colours, through cactus planters and a cyan table for the printers. It's very normal to have a printer at home, I had one since I was a kid.

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Bringing moodboards always eases up the process of understanding the concept. The light wall , chairs and electronic equipment to dark floor, racks and wall shelves complimented by the coloured planters and a little table.
Through few of combinations and little pop of colours a bold and beautiful space could be created very easily.
The next one is classy, which my dad loved-


Vibrant and Classy

The very simplistic, practical and classic home office edition is this one. I really loved the wall shelves so didn't removed them. Isn't it amazing how the same shelves bring soothing effect in this environment and very electric and vibrant effect in the first one environment.
The setting of this room is quite basic but at the same time very vibrant and interesting. The beige plastered wall with wooden floor and complimenting black leather lounge sofa and a little coffee table is the most relaxing setup.
The addition of the shelves is very homie. Coming to the office table, I found this table to be very functional with the drawers and aesthetically appealing at the same time with the triangular support at the left side. A little sofa is added by the glass panel to relax and feel the comfort of home while working.
Addition of planters is always healthy and interesting. The chair is quite a combination of black and white.

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Again a mood board depicting what materials, colour scheme and extra elements I tried to inculcate within the said space.
The vibrant and classiness of the beige-brown hue is commendable. I call them the safe pallet! Why? Because they go with almost everything. Even if there is not much natural light, the artificial lighting adds much charm to the place with this colour scheme, You can't go wrong with it.
I have the same colour scheme in my room but I would decorate it a little somewhat like this one or the above mentioned one or I have another option in my pocket which follows todays trend and that is-



To start with this idea, I was not ready to remove stuff from the room, but t give it more of a different vibe I though minimalistic has won the heart of the world probably would lure me towards it.
It was fun designing this minimalistic room, with only what's require and addition of little wooden rack completed the look.
The wall is the lightest tone of greyish -pink. floor is dark brown wood with a little textured rug, the room's skin makeover turns complete.
Coming to the furniture, light beech wood seemed best choice for me, probably you might like something else. But this looks very put together. the heavy chair asymmetrically balances the light table and rack.
Few of the little planters with pinch of muted colours added unsaid vibe to the place. the couches which aren't much visible in the frame, are the pair of lounge couch with net structure and cushions, not so woody.
One might notice that the glass panel in earlier pictures is now turned into wall, as I wanted to show a space without the window, as most of us live in metropolitan cities and having so many windows or large lawns at home is not a luxury for all. So I though to include a world map on the wall, it looks very geeky and interesting.
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The last but not the least one, here's another mood board. Addition of little posters on wall makes it look very fascinating. The lighting scheme is artificial with a window of rear side and beam of sunlight coming through.
The colour combination here is greyish- brown pallet with pink undertone.
The rug added little cosiness to the space.

Considering all three styles to be unique and different in their own way, I loved all three of them. Starting from the Bold and Rustic which is electric, fun and moody vibe have an interesting combination of monochromatic and colourful scheme.
The second one Vibrant and classy have a playful beige-brown color scheme with very simplistic, soothing vibe with more practicality. The third one I picked is Minimalistic owning to its name it had very subtle and decent vibe to space having greyish-brown schematics in a enclosed space.
Which one did you liked the most or any certain combination you felt like adding to your own personal space.

Above mentioned pictures belongs to me.

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