Architecture+Design Community Contest: Previous Winners + New Topic & Rules

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Hello Hive,

We're glad to be back for our community contest! The past few weeks have been extremely busy that the results of our previous contest have been set aside. We understand that this has long been overdue and we apologize for the delay.

On a positive note, our community has also continued to grow steadily during the same period, and we're simply eager to welcome more new subscribers, participants, and contributors who passionately support the Architecture+Design Community. Our niche interests covering architecture, interior design, furniture design, urban design, and environmental design are a diverse mix of topics, and would surely touch the hearts and minds of our enthusiasts.

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Moving forward, we're also delighted to launch our fourth contest with corresponding rules and details later in this post. But, before doing that, let's first announce the deserving winners of our previous contest entitled "Living in a Material World". We've received many awesome entries as they were indeed high-quality content that exhibited creativity, practicality, and functionality. Here are our winning publications:


@marcosmilano71[ENG] My participation in the contest: "Living in a material world" / [ESP] Mi participación en el concurso: "Vivir en un mundo material"

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In the neighborhood where I was born and where I lived for many years, builders, masons, workers, electricians, carpenters, blacksmiths, plumbers; among other professionals and technicians were members of the same community. The houses were made by the same people and I was one of those neighborhood workers I've worked since I was a kid.


@xandra79Contest: Living in a material world. Discovery it!// Concurso: Viviendo en un mundo material. Descúbrelo!

silver mark - xandra79.png

Greetings. Today I am starting in the Architecture+Design community with a lot of enthusiasm. I am a Civil Engineer and I am pleased that there is this community that goes hand in hand with my profession and that offers a virtual space on the #hive platform to share information of interest among active users who are in the world of engineering and architecture, which for me not only mean scientific disciplines but the art of developing built spaces for the benefit of man and the planet.


@afterglowLiving in a Material World - My Preferred Building Materials and Finishes

bronze mark - afterglow.jpg

Hello Architecture+Design! I hope you guys are all okay wherever you are in the world. All of us, when it comes to building our own house we have our own preferred type of build and finishes (the kind of materials to be used in building and finishing our own house). In this article, I will let dive into the type of building materials and finishes that I like very much. Here they are...


@sahiba-ranaLiving in the material world- The selective ones!

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@darwinperez[ENG]Contest Living in a material world // [ESP] Viviendo en un mundo material

runners-up - darwinperez.jpg

Our sincere congratulations to all the winners! Keep up the superb work!


Our fourth contest is more relatable to our everyday lives and is much closer to home. Thus, this should be easy for most of you. As the current pandemic has completely disrupted our global work landscape, people regardless of their professional background or job inclination, have tried their best to adapt to the new changes this crisis has initiated.

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One of the significant changes that have become common nowadays is the flexibility of working from home. Almost all organizations are relying on the Internet to operate so they have allowed workers in choosing the option of working away from their main offices, workplaces, headquarters, or labor sites. Public gatherings are not allowed hence, individuals have no choice but to create personal office spaces in their respective abodes or similar indoor environments where they can continue with their various tasks and duties.

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Hence, for this fourth contest entitled "My Personal Office Space", we would like to see your creative ideas about how you would design your personal office space, with careful consideration of the following rules:

  • Show Three (3) of your favorite Personal Office Spaces, through photos and images, that you think are important for today's Work From Home scenarios and applications.

  • Describe and write about the Valid Reasons for your 3 choices.

  • Based on your selected personal office spaces, mention the specific Features, Amenities, Devices, and Tools for the particular work settings you've selected.

We are definitely looking forward to all your amazing contest entries! Be as creative, unique, and detailed as you could possibly can. We wish you all the best in your participation!

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Contest Mechanics

This contest is open for submission for Seven (7) Days from the date of posting - after which it will be closed for review. To be chosen as a winning candidate for the contest, the following guidelines must be properly followed in order to be qualified for the selection process. Here are the important steps involved:

  • Subscribe to the Architecture+Design Community.

  • Your contest entry must be published within the Architecture+Design Community to be qualified for the selection process.

  • You must create a separate blog post for your contest entry to be considered.

  • Your contest entry must contain photos (owned or legally sourced) of your selections with their written descriptions.

  • The link to your contest entry (blog post) must be entered and shared on the Comments Section of this contest announcement post.

  • Your contest entry must have written content of Not Less Than 300 Words.

  • Use the following tags at the end of your contest entry: #aplusd #aplusdcontest #architecture #design

  • All published content for this contest must be your own work. We will not allow plagiarism and will disqualify entries that do not adhere to this policy.

  • If you do not own the photos you've submitted for your contest entry, please mention the proper sources as an image watermark or as a website link.

  • The official language for this contest is English. However, if your contest entry is in a different language, please provide the corresponding English translation with it.

All interested content creators on the Hive social blockchain are invited to join this contest and are given the chance to win!

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Contest Prize Pool

We have allocated Liquid Hive tokens to be awarded to our deserving contest winners. As the Architecture+Design community is just starting out, the contest prize pool is reasonably small for the time being. We will be increasing our contest rewards as our vibrant tribe eventually progresses together with the Hive ecosystem.

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The contest winners with their prizes are categorized as follows:

Gold Mark - 7 Hive
Silver Mark - 5 Hive
Bronze Mark - 3 Hive

Runners-up of 1 Hive each

It's also our great pleasure to mention our beloved contest sponsors for their generous contribution without which our contest would not have been fruitful. Thank you very much to @ybanezkim26 and @priyanarc for your kindness and support!

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Contest Winners Proclamation

All declared winners of the previous contest will be announced at the start of the next contest publication. In the meantime, this will be our standard operating procedure and thus might change as our community contest evolves in the future.

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We are excited as we look forward to your remarkable contest entries! Again, please subscribe to the Architecture+Design Community. Here's a toast to our continued growth and success! Many thanks for your valuable support and active participation!

All photos in this publication were sourced from Unsplash with the respective authors/owners indicated on the watermarks.


Subscribe to the Architecture+Design Community, an Active Member of the OCD Communities Incubation Program, and refer to our Welcome Message & Comprehensive Guidelines for more details.

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