Gardens of the Royal Castle in Warsaw 馃憫 Frost-resistant banana trees, natural design: green labyrinths and many beautiful flowers / Ogrody Kr贸lewskie


I didn't think that when I came to the gardens at the Royal Castle in Warsaw on Saturday, there would be such crowds. In front of the castle is a huge grassy area, the size of a football field, and it was full of people. Some sat on the grass, usually in groups. The children ran or do cartwheels. This place was bustling with life, and a few days ago, when I was cycling here, in the middle of the week, on a cloudy day, there was hardly anyone but me. Maybe a few people, but during the weekend much more decided to relax in the royal gardens - several dozen, maybe over 100.

Nie s膮dzi艂am, 偶e gdy przyjd臋 w sobot臋 do ogrod贸w przy Zamku Kr贸lewskim w Warszawie spotkam tu takie t艂umy. Przed zamkiem znajduje si臋 ogromny teren poro艣ni臋ty traw膮, wielko艣ci boiska do pi艂ki no偶nej i by艂 on zape艂niony lud藕mi. Niekt贸rzy siedzieli na trawie, zazwyczaj w grupkach. Dzieci biega艂y albo robi艂y gwiazdy. To miejsce t臋tni艂o 偶yciem, a kilka dni temu, gdy przeje偶d偶a艂am tu rowerem, w 艣rodku tygodnia, w pochmurny dzie艅 opr贸cz mnie nie by艂o prawie nikogo. Mo偶e kilka os贸b, za to w weekend na relaks w kr贸lewskich ogrodach zdecydowa艂o si臋 znacznie wi臋cej - kilkadziesi膮t, a mo偶e ponad 100.


It is pleasant to spend time with a view of the Royal Castle. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Warsaw. Baroque-classicist castle located in the city center, in the Old Town. I usually see it on the other side of Plac Zamkowy. There you can see its part built with a red facade. In my opinion, from the side of the gardens, the castle is much more impressive.

Przyjemnie jest sp臋dzi膰 czas z widokiem na Zamek Kr贸lewski. Jest to jedna z najbardziej znanych atrakcji turystycznych w Warszawie. Barokowo-klasycystyczny zamek znajduj膮cy si臋 w centrum, na Starym Mie艣cie. Zazwyczaj widuj臋 go z drugiej strony, placu Zamkowego. Tam wida膰 jego cz臋艣膰 zbudowan膮 z czerwonej elewacji. Moim zdaniem od strony ogrod贸w zamek jest o wiele bardziej okaza艂y.


Many species of flowers grow here: lilies of different colors, roses, Busy Lizzies, purple coneflower, etc. You can admire the beauty of these flowers or sit next to them. Feel their scent. Rest in their surroundings. Or take a photo shoot with them. Many people took pictures with them.

Ro艣nie tu wiele gatunk贸w kwiat贸w: r贸偶nokolorowe lilie, r贸偶e, niecierpki, je偶贸wka purpurowa itd. Mo偶na si臋 pozachwyca膰 pi臋knem tych kwiat贸w, albo usi膮艣膰 obok nich. Poczu膰 ich zapach. Odpocz膮膰 w ich otoczeniu. Albo zrobi膰 sobie z nimi sesj臋 zdj臋ciow膮. Wiele os贸b fotografowa艂o si臋 z nimi.




When I turned to the side of the gardens, I discovered a more intimate part of them. And even more exotic. I saw there magnificent banana trees and flowers of various, intense colors growing next to them. Fortunately, there were fewer people walking there. Many white benches were empty.

Gdy skr臋ci艂am w boczn膮 cz臋艣膰 ogrod贸w odkry艂am bardziej kameraln膮 ich cz臋艣膰. A tak偶e jeszcze bardziej egzotyczn膮. Zobaczy艂am tam okaza艂e bananowce i kwiaty o r贸偶nych, intensywnych barwach rosn膮ce przy nich. Na szcz臋艣cie spacerowa艂o tam mniej ludzi. Liczne bia艂e 艂awki by艂y wolne.


Being in the center of a huge city, I could feel for a moment like on an exotic trip. I was wondering how these banana trees survived the winter and freezing temperatures. I spoke to the garden worker for a while and it turns out that it is a frost-resistant banana variety. I didn't know there were such species of banana trees 馃槈 It's a pity that I don't see them more often in my country.

B臋d膮c w centrum ogromnego miasta mog艂am poczu膰 si臋 przez chwil臋 jak na egzotycznej wycieczce. Zastanawia艂am si臋 jak te bananowe drzewa przetrwa艂y zim臋 i minusowe temperatury. Porozmawia艂am przez chwil臋 z pracownikiem ogrodu i okazuje si臋, 偶e to mrozoodporna odmiana bananowca. Nie wiedzia艂am, 偶e istniej膮 takie gatunki bananowc贸w 馃槈 Szkoda, 偶e nie widuj臋 ich cz臋艣ciej w Polsce.



I sat down on a bench to chill and relax a bit. I wished I had the book with me, because it would have been nice to read it there. I also think it's a cool, romantic place, perfect for a date.

Usiad艂am sobie na 艂awce, 偶eby troch臋 poczilowa膰, odpocz膮膰, zrelaksowa膰 si臋. 呕a艂owa艂am, 偶e nie mam ze sob膮 ksi膮偶ki, bo mi艂o by si臋 j膮 tam czyta艂o. My艣l臋 te偶, 偶e to fajne, romantyczne miejsce, idealne na randk臋.





When I was leaving the part of the gardens where banana trees grow, I noticed sculptures-heads. They were designed with a bit of humor, they were made of bronze. They looked interesting against the green, woody background. As it was written on the tablets, the sculptures depicted, among others, the old doctor, or the portrait of the mysterious A.M.

Gdy wychodzi艂am z cz臋艣ci ogrod贸w, w kt贸rej rosn膮 bananowce zauwa偶y艂am rze藕by-g艂owy. Zaprojektowano je nieco z humorem, by艂y wykonane z br膮zu. Ciekawie si臋 prezentowa艂y na zielonym, drzewiastym tle. Jak by艂o napisane na tabliczkach rz nich rze藕by przedstawia艂y starego doktora, czy portret tajemniczej A.M.










Do you like such a place to spend a Saturday afternoon? The gardeners seem to be doing a great job. The trees and flowers and the lawn are very well maintained. Now I thought a match like Wimbledon could be played here. Such grass would be great for a grass court 馃槈

Podoba wam si臋 takie miejsce na sp臋dzenie sobotniego popo艂udnia? Wida膰, 偶e ogrodnicy robi膮 du偶o dobrej roboty. Drzewa i kwiaty oraz trawnik s膮 bardzo zadbane. Teraz pomy艣la艂am, 偶e mo偶na by tu rozegra膰 mecz jak na Wimbledonie. Taka trawka by艂aby 艣wietna na kort trawiasty 馃槈




If someone, like me, does not like sitting in front of a crowd of people, prefers more intimate, secluded places, the green labyrinths located in the Royal Gardens are perfect. You walk through narrow alleys between tall trees densely covered with leaves. It is pleasant to walk there. I like this natural design. For example, by designing the garden so that there is a maze of trees.

Je艣li kto艣, podobnie jak ja, nie lubi siedzie膰 przy t艂umie ludzi, woli bardziej kameralne, odosobnione miejsca to idealne s膮 znajduj膮ce si臋 w Ogrodach Kr贸lewskich zielone labirynty. Przechodzi si臋 w膮skimi alejkami mi臋dzy wysokimi drzewami g臋sto poro艣ni臋tymi li艣膰mi. Przyjemnie si臋 tam spaceruje. Podoba mi si臋 taki naturalny design. Cho膰by poprzez projektowanie ogrodu tak, 偶eby znalaz艂 si臋 tam labirynt z drzew.





At the entrance to the gardens (and at the same time the exit) there are two booths. You can buy ice cream or something to drink there.

Przy wej艣ciu do ogrod贸w (a zarazem wyj艣ciu) znajduj膮 si臋 dwie budki. Mo偶na tam kupi膰 lody albo co艣 do picia.


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