The Philippine Military Academy


Hello, Hive friends! I wish you well today as I share with you our first destination in Baguio City. We visited the Philippine Military Academy, and we were astonished by the structures inside the compound.

On our first day, we arrived at our transient house, and some of the members of the team went strolling at the night market. They also bought some ingredients for our first breakfast. We grab the chance to cook for our food since the tools and equipment are available in the kitchen.

On the second day, we prepared early so that we could start our travel at eight o'clock in the morning. When we were all ready, we went to the pick-up area. We took some time waiting for our ride. Ma'am Suset asked me to take pictures of her with Jehoia, who was not in the mood. We observed that even when the sun rises, the wind is still cold. That is why the place is known for its cold weather, even during the summer.

Our ride arrived at almost nine o'clock in the morning. Kuya Ayie, the driver, asked if all of us were wearing shoes. We asked him why, and he answered that our first destination will not allow tourists to enter the compound wearing slippers. It's the Philippine Military Academy. I was wearing slippers at that time since we were not aware of the itinerary and the rules of the Philippine Military Academy. Luckily, Kuya Ayie has Crocs shoes, and he offered them to me. When we arrived at the entrance of the compound, the military personnel had a quick check on the people inside the van, including the foot wear.

After checking, we went inside the compound, and we were dropped off at the drop-off point. We were looking for our companions who were riding the two other vans. We thought they already went inside the premises where the military students were having classes. So we walked in, thinking that they were waiting for us inside. Their building structures attracted my attention. I was amazed at how big the area is and how nicely built their buildings which are intended for the classes. This military academy was established in the year 1936. It was by the virtue of the National Defense Act of 1935. It became one of the tourist attractions of Baguio City. The graduates of the academy will become a military officer under the Armed Forces of the Philippines. You cannot just easily enrol here since you need to pass several tests.















There was also an area showing the different aircraft replicas. The helicopters and different combat planes were as if real. We took the chance to take some poses. Ma'am Delia told my wife that she wanted to have some photos taken on the side of the helicopter. Ma'am Judith also asked my son Ioseph to take pictures of her and her daughter, Isa.

Another structure that caught attention was the tree house, where many people wanted to climb and have some photo opportunities. It was built using concrete. Maybe because they wanted it to last longer. While looking at the scenery of the mountain, we received a call from our other companions; they were waiting for us at the parking area where their drivers had unloaded them. They then started their tour while we were almost done with ours.

We went to the grandstand, where the President of the Republic of the Philippines will deliver a speech during their graduation. It has a huge field where you can probably see the presentation of the graduating class. Courage, loyalty, and integrity caught my attention and thought that the academy upholds the three virtues. They will serve the country with all their hearts, even if death is the outcome.
















After taking some photos, I then went to an area near the tree house and waited for others to finish their short tour of the campus. I felt a little bit tired walking in a big area. From afar, we can hear the chants of the cadets who were having their morning drills. We decided to slowly move out of the premises of the campus. They asked military students if they'd be allowed a photo opportunity. They joined the team, though they were in a hurry for their classes. An instructor warned the tourist by making unnecessary noise because they had already started their classes. So we went directly to the parking area, where our drivers waited for us.

It was our first tourist destination, but we already felt tired as we only needed to walk within the vicinity of the campus. We finished almost at lunch time. So we need to move to our next destination and have some food to partake in.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Thank you for your time and support. Til next time.

Lead image was edited using Canva.
Photos are all mine, unless stated otherwise.


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