My appreciation for architecture and all things design

So I may have missed world architecture day on the 5th of October, but I have architecture day every day anyway, cause I live right in the centre of some of the world's greatest architectural designs and feats, right here in the heart of Melbourne and I have been dying to find the time to share my thoughts and photos in this community since it was first created by the brilliant and visionary @aplusd- @Storiesoferne and @discoveringarni, so thank you so much guys for creating this community for us all to share our thoughts, visions, imaginations, loves, futures and pasts. Oooh and especially natural environmental, unique and off the grid creations too.

So growing up in a tiny town in rural Australia in the 1970's and 80's, I wasn't exposed to a lot of different career options (except for checkout chick at the Supermarket or working in the Cheese factory...) and one of those career options that I never heard about was architecture- certainly not in the sense of studying it to appreciate it or actually become an architect.

In fact I do NOT remember one single person-one single teacher explaining to me what Architecture really was about, or even saying to me that I could study it in high school to become one, so I could design all of the magnificent buildings that my imagination created in my head for actual use in reality.

And it wasn't until the late 90's when I got a temp job in an architectural design and construction company as a receptionist, that it really dawned on me just how much creativity and power that an architecture had to impose their footprints on this earth- good and bad. And that mostly ofcourse, they were men- which is why I believe that it was never mentioned to me growing up, because I was a girl growing up in a very small and very male dominated area and traditionally, architecture has always been a very male dominated industry and I'm sure it still is almost as much now as it was back then

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So I never grew up to be an Architect and even though I have found my true life's purpose (which has nothing to do with architecture), I still love to stare at, to appreciate, to pull apart, to watch and even design my own houses, hospitals, animal sanctuaries, hotels and resorts- even if they are in my head (and sometimes when I get the time- Sweet Home 3d- that is also why, I love living in Melbourne, because there is such a diverse array of architectural styles and era's here.

But I still think my favourite style is traditional, natural Thai as I love natural timber blended in with the landscape and so much of the Thai timber style homes have such beautifully carved intricate details and lacing to soften them like these here... mind you, there are so many other countries that I haven't been to yet, so you never know, I may fall in love with another style someday.

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But here are some photos of mine taken recently which showcases just a handful of the myriad of architectural styles that Melbourne has to offer- which also gives a hint as to it's history where you can imagine just how many people have passed through and how many stories could be told.

But first we have a look at the CBD skyline taken from Albert Park Lake where you can see the old being dwarfed by the new (put it this way- the tower I live in is 34 stories high and the new ones are more than twice the height of that 😳)

melb skyline.jpg

And then from the old to the brand new-

This is the South Melbourne Town Hall and clock- which still chimes every day.


south melb clock.jpg
And this is an old knitting factory which now houses shops, cafes and offices just around the corner from the town Hall.**


south melb house.jpg

To the new (a few of them now anyway)

This is Southbank where the Crown Casino complex dominates most of the south bank of the Yarra River
sunset on yarra.jpg

This old style building front right is the Immigration Museum dwarfed by a brand new building that is still under construction


SBS- Special Broadcasting Station and my favourite station (since we've only got 5 here....πŸ™„...) which house ACMI cafes and many other venues in Federation Square here


fed sq.jpg

Looking down towards Flinders St Station


And one of the newer landmarks that you can see from every single direction...except when it is engulfed by clouds....
star tower.png



So as you can see, from old world charm, style and grace to almost alien landscapes and much more, we've got it all and I will endeavour to bring to you the diverse Melbourne skyline as the weeks go by and I don't think I'll ever run out of buildings to show you all...

So what it you favourite design?

So you want to know who this awesome girl gang is, then click on the banner below to find out just how amazing they all are.


And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you

If you have made it this far, then you are absolute champions and I thank you so much for reading my blog tonight and I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️All love and support from you in whatever way is greatly appreciated!❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️

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