A handful of worthless coins?


A few days ago one of my students, after I told him that he had to look and read the notes in advance and of course coordinate his left and right hands, said that he was not able to do that. For him, it's multitasking and only women can do it.

Well, I don't think that generalization is quite accurate. Is it really so determined by gender? Isn't our consciousness and our will that prompts us, and our desire to be efficient? Isn't that a clear goal that gives us energy and a sharp mind? I don't understand why it would always be predestined for women, and why men would be excluded from that ability.

Anyway... In the last six days, I have experienced what it is like to live alone. Nothing new actually, I lived alone for eight years when I attended high school and college. It was a cool period, which certainly had its difficulties, but I remember it with joy. Now, when I was alone for a few days, I felt strange. Coincidentally, my husband went to Hive Fest, and the very next day my son went to Valencia, that is, he moved there for his studies. I was in wonder - What is this? All this freedom but I feel lost, and I am terribly bored!?

I had a lot of things to do, but as you saw, I knew how to procrastinate, and how to play the piano (yes, in the end, I successfully finished the things I wanted to sort out). What I noticed was that it was hard for me to motivate myself to cook lunch for myself. So I didn't.

Don't ask.

Hats off to everyone who lives alone and has the will to cook for themselves every day.

But today I made up for all the days I didn't cook. Today, I have prepared several dishes for my son to have for the next few days because in the evening I will go to pick up my husband from the airport and on the way I will take all this food to my son. That's how easily motivation can return and multitasking can flourish.

To get an idea of the level of my today's multitasking - at the same time, I was doing the laundry, and the grocery, having phone calls arranging meetings for some stuff, cooking and thinking about lessons and work. The grocery part here plays an interesting part... So, I went to the supermarket and bought a pack of meat, carrots, milk, bread and a pack of crushed tomatoes. I would prepare meatballs in tomato sauce and green pea stew with meat and carrots. I vaguely remembered having frozen green peas in the freezer so I didn't buy that.

The bill was 13€ and 11 cents. At the cash register, my card was rejected because I didn't have enough funds on it so I took out the only banknote from my wallet which was destined to fill the car with fuel. The car also has to eat something if I want to get to Valencia tonight. Oh, how I don't like it when they return my change in small coins, but that's how it happened. When we get these worthless coins we just empty our wallets and leave them in one place and over the years many appear but we never spend them; as who will accept a sack of 1 or 2 cents for a product you buy? They became waste, unfortunately...

At home, when I was chopping the onion and the carrots, cutting the meat, boiling the rice and mincing the other pack of meat I looked in the freezer. It was empty 😳, just a few ice cubes and three ice creams were looking at me from the frozen place.

Ok, back to the supermarket.

I took the coins I got today as change and grabbed more of those that were piling up in one corner. Revenge 😂 - I decided that I would use them to pay for that one pack of frozen green peas that I needed. I thought it cost about 1€ and a few cents over that. So, I am at the cash register again, the saleswoman may recognize me as I was here already today, but it doesn't matter. She says 1€ 60 cents. I pull out a handful of coins and count them! 1€ and 61 cents. How did this happen that I had just the right amount of these little worthless coins (ok, I had 1 cent more but anyway!) for the missing ingredient?

Sometimes the invisible accountant arranges everything in our daily lives, we just have to harmonize with it. Oh, and I still have the rest of the change to give the car the needed fuel. :D



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