Five-In-One Daily Blog - From Meals To Events

I'm in a small trouble, I find it hard to remember to take pictures of what goes on around me as often as I did before. I was just going through my phone gallery and surprised that I didn't take much pictures for the past few months, maybe I'm losing the habit but I won't let that happen so this post is to remind me how important it is to keep record with photos.

Before that, I thought it would be cool to share the thoughts that ran through my mind while I was seeing these photos on my phone gallery some minutes ago. These photos are as random as they look, with different stories.


I saw this picture and remembered a time I was lucky to find a good price of avocado pears and I ended up buying a lot of it without thinking if I'll be able to keep it for long to enjoy them in different meal combinations. Well, none of them got bad until I finished them and the combination in this photo was with the last standing avocado. I remember how happy I was about the meal that I took a picture of it lol.


This photo reminds me of the day I was busy chatting with Hive friends on a discord channel and someone just shared a simple tosted bread recipe, it was one of the most easiest recipe I've seen without a toaster and I didn't think much to try it out. It took me less than 30 mins to prepare it as I had all the ingredients available, the photo was taken to show my chatmates the outcome and they gave good comments on it.


This was taken on a day I went into a big company for the first time some months ago. I had to sit at a spot for more than an hour before I was attended to because all the staffs were too busy to attend to me. I didn't feel like the wait was too long, the atmosphere was good and I had my mobile phone to keep me company. I took a picture while I was at it and at last, they sorted my request out and I left.


This photo was taken of a very sweet moment, my uncle came home a day to my birthday and gave it to me. A perfume that had a chocolate smell, as my birthday gift. Mum and I laughed because it wasn't my birthday yet and he was even more happy that he was the first to give me a gift. It's been over a month and I still have the perfume because I use it as little as I can to keep it for long lol.


This photo is from the day before I prepared to travel back to where I work, mum had made a new hairstyle for me that day. I loved the hair so much that I made her take photos of it for me. I remember it took her a long time to finish working on the hair but from her smiles whenever she looks at my hair, I could tell it was all worth it. There was actually a video taken of it but I'm choosing to share a picture instead.

So that's it for activities that happened on some days for me.

Images used are all mine

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