Yesterday was quite an hectic day for me, I wasn’t really prepared to have a long and stressful day but it happened anyways and I can’t help but be grateful it has ended and I’m now in a new day. Lately I have been trying to wake up as early as possible to get my post done for the day so I won’t have to worry about it for the rest of the day and yesterday was one of those days I was really happy I made that decision because it won’t have been easy for me trying to make a post after such a day!

So here’s a little sneak peek into my yesterday, care to know what made it stressful? Then keep reading 🙂.

The painful part was I didn’t get to sleep well the previous day due to some miscalculations and I have to pay for it with less sleep and this was the major reason I wasn’t really prepared for yesterday’s stress because I thought I’d be able to get back home early and rest a little bit but sadly that wasn’t the case at all. So the thing is, I travelled back home to meet my sister on Thursday, well that journey is a story on its own but I’d pass.

My sister has already told me that she wants to go for a photo shoot and she wants me to go with her so she won’t be alone and besides she will be needing some help with some things. I was happy to go with her because I thought it won’t take long and also I wanted to see how a studio looked like. We got ready some few minutes past 11am and we headed for the studios. When we got there, we realized how busy the place was and it kept getting busier even until we left.

I was really impressed with the place, they do have an onion at what they do and it was just interesting to watch how they get everything done. The place is owned by a lady and her brother happens to be the photographer while she is the one who does the organization and set ups. I couldn’t help but admire the fact that she was working so well with her brother. She is also a make up artist and she did my sister’s makeup to prepare her for the shoot.

We had to wait for about 30 minutes more before it got to my sister’s time for her own shoot. It was a stressful session for her too but she was determined to do that shoot, hehe. We finally finished with the shoots and then we were asked to select the images we needed to be edited which we did together. Now I’m waiting patiently to see how the photos turn out, I’m actually having high expectations and I hope they meet up to it.

Seeing the shoots outside her shop, I’m very sure they’ve improved even more so I can’t help but have high expectations. Things are quite fair as regards the price I must say, although I have never been to a studio before so I don’t know if it’s the fairest but I think it is just okay. I’m not really a studio person so I don’t think I’d be going there for myself but I hope I do someday so I can get the experience but for now, I will admire what I see, hehe.

So after we were done at the studio, we had to go to the market to get some things and we were able to do this because the market was just a stone throw from the studio. While we were still at the market looking for what we wanted to buy, my sister received a call from her mum who was on her way coming to visit. So we had to wrap things up at the market and hurry up to meet her so she won’t get lost since it’s been a while she visited.

We were able to pick her up without going to the house first and when we got home, my sister had to serve mum and my little Patra food. Once she was done in the kitchen, I also had to go help myself with some food because I was starving. I had to clean up the kitchen and do the dishes because everywhere was looking so unkept. It was only after I did that, I felt a bit relieved. I had to bath little Patra and also took my bath then I resigned to bed.

I can’t really say it all but this was just a sneak peek to how my yesterday went. Today is Sunday and I’m hoping I have less work but I can’t guarantee that at all especially with little Patra around, hehe. I have missed my baby girl and I hope to spend some time with her before she leaves.

Thank you so much for stopping by, until next time stay well and stay amazing!!!

Images used are mine

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