Dough And A New Role


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Thankfully, I am down to my last week of bakery lead and full time college student at the same time. On top of all that I am always mom and homestead tender deluxe model (Okay, that might be a stretch saying deluxe more like mildly enhanced perhaps? Eh...).

My average day starts with about four to six hours or so of schoolwork, because I am packing the entire week into two-three days. Honestly, I love school, so writing papers, reading, taking quizzes, and engaging in discussions are some of my favorite parts of my day.

Then I move on to chores. There's produce to harvest, it's firewood cutting time, we are wrapping up the yurt project, my youngest is getting ready to head back to school, it's fall cover crop sowing time, etc.

And oh yes, someone's still got to feed everyone around here, and since I like to feed them wholesome, non-ultra processed food most of the time, that means there's a bunch of food prep that happens round here too.

Life is full. I haven't even relayed the half of it!


Anyway, during yesterday's bender, I saw I needed to feed Buford, my sourdough starter. Yes, he has a name. Anyway, I was making hamburgers for dinner that night, so I whipped up some sourdough discard hamburger buns. Aren't they pretty? I thought so!

I also made a vanilla pound cake for my deprived son. By deprived I mean that he made a comment the other day about how most of the things I bake head out the door. This morning the only place things that I baked went was in my husband's and son's stomachs, so there!

Today, as I have finished class for the day, I am out to mark out the new bramble patch, and where we need to roto-til for cover crop seeding. I have a new mustard blend I am going to plant next week, which will be terminated in about 45 days, and then seeded with winter rye. Hello soil improvement!

Our soil here is several feet of glacial silt. So sand, but like flour in texture. It's really something, and by something I mean it's beyond well drained and has literally no anything in it to support plant life. Which of course means I have become the amendment queen! Well, my kingdom is a touch small, but at least it's thoroughly amended. Bah-dum-tiss!

Okay, even I can tell that I need a break from writing, so I am heading out to get to work, but hopefully I at least brought a little smile to your face with all my almost manic from being slightly over-scheduled, as pretty much perpetually always, ramblings.

I mean, why else would anyone stop by this blog? It's definitely lacking in all the cool things that post modern peeps love, the only thirst trap round these parts is a maybe a lavender iced tea recipe...


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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's powering through just like the author iPhone.

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