The first time.

Late mornings I leave, it is a beautiful day, after a week of rain. Not knowing yet, that this would be an other historic day on my way I pedal into the sunny hills.

I had been tempted to lurk around another day or two, but finally made up my mind, that there was no getting on top of the list. I would always find another thing that needed sorting out before I would be able to leave.

As soon as I am on the bike I feel great.

For a few weeks I have been turning around and about that one thing. Very close to it at times, just to find another excuse, another solution before it was too late.

“Sleeping out in the bushes by myself.”

Was today really going to be that day?

Up and down the road goes, through green fields, a cross many cows and horses. They even follow me, but no chance for food, I had already eaten it all by myself.

One thing I love about Switzerland is a certain trust in common sense. At least in the country side. So almost any Farm will have a little Self-Service Farm-Shop, where they sell the things they produce. In a little hut or shed, they offer their products, there is no one selling there, so you can pass at any given time.

Usually they sell eggs and cheese. Some have fruits, confiture or meat. And sometimes even home-made ice cream.

Just out of curiosity, not speaking of my constant hunger while cycling, I made it my quest, to at least check out each of them, even if I don’t buy anything.

The prices are very Swiss too, no chance for a Turkish-2-Euro-Bucket of Strawberries. Nevertheless, they taste as good. And I eat the best dry meat ever, with some really good cheese, as I go I find cherries, strawberries and even hard boiled eggs.

Eventually a day of cycling and eating comes to an exhausting end. With a little mountain in my way to round up things. The clouds are getting denser and dark Gray, which motivates me to keep going all the way to the top, where I suspect to find a Picnic-Hut, a shelter from the stormy weather that might surprise me that night.

Buckwheat with red onions, meat and cheese for dinner.

And suddenly I am there.

I am at the point I had feared for so long. Myself, alone, somewhere setting up my camp to spend the night in the open. No fences, no campground, no one with me.

All of a sudden I am not scared at all anymore. Quite the opposite, “going to bed” has never felt that exciting in my whole life.

Just the fact I was going to sleep here felt like doing something extraordinary, like doing something amazing. When really it is something I do everyday for decades. But now suddenly it feels different. Now suddenly I do it for the very first time again.

The first time sleeping in the wild, by myself.

Thank you all for passing by, enjoy your weekend!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.

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