CYCLING IS SO MUCH FUN.... why I Choose To Make It My Hobby

I never really thought about it this much but I'm really having a good time riding my bike, so I bought my first bike last year and later on had to sale it due to emergency issues, I didn't ride it for long,

I never knew how much fun riding is untill I bought my second bike just of recent, ....okay so it's this very unique APOLLO MOUNTAIN BIKE, I don't know much about bikes, it was a biker friend of mine "Richard" who had to explain to me that my bike is a mountain bike and that it's very good and okay...

I didn't really understand his words untill I began to experience some fun part about I noticed that I loved it more when I'm riding my bike off road than when I'm on the asphalt, .it wasayer on that I recall what my friend said about mountain bikes, mine is actually a size 27 with Rocky tires, so I loved it when I'm riding off road, the feeling is totally different, the unsteady nature of the road, rocky, rising up and down, trying to navigate, sliding down and up, here and there

So I later realise this that it's because my bike is designed to for mountains off road racing and it's not the really the kind of urban, road or other types of bikes around....

So lately I'm really having fun and these kind of rare joy when I'm riding to work especially in the morning hours, the feeling is different, plus my bike is super fast with it's sixth gear can make you keep pushing as fast as you go, riding and the morning fresh dew and air billows around me as my adrenaline keep hearing up as I keep run fast into the mist......

So apart from all of the fun and all of that happy happy moments I have on my bike while cycling, it's actually a very comfortable tool for my exercises, yah so I do this every morning flexing my upper body muscle and then get on my bike cycling over a 5km hard drive to work.

Which is actually the funnest part about cycling, flexing All that muscle, allowing your heart beat fast pumping the blood up, cycling is seriously fun and I've loved every bit of it and I'm hoping to venture more, go far travel far, like a cross country stuff, cause I feel like going on and on with my bike without stopping,

I'm planning on a trip to my village on my bike that's really far from the city centre, probably with my biker friend Richard, got all our gears and safety gadgets on then it's a smooth ride there...i know it will be such a fun ride

Thanks y'all for reading

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