My first Hive bike ride

Ever since I first saw the #Cycling community recommended by @friendlymoose in another contest, I thought "How nice it would be if I post something there too, because I love cycling".
But I don't have a bike! I can't even introduce myself to you with the tag #MyBike 😕

I haven't had it since 2001, because in addition to having nowhere to keep it, I had a situation with the law, because I bought a second-hand bicycle, for which I was not issued an invoice, and which turned out to be stolen.
And since then, I got the fear of buying a used bike, and I never wanted/have to spend a lot of money for a new one (because you can't pay a little for a good bike...), and I didn't have a place to keep it, locked, dry and clean , bike would stand outside, and I was sorry for that.
And so I haven't had my own bike for over 20 years.

I sometimes drive rented.

Thanks to the invitation to publish a post in this community, I decided that today, when we went for a walk, I would rent a bicycle and make a circle around Belgrade's Ada Ciganlija lake.
One circle is 8 km.

For cyclists, it's a small thing, but considering the lack of fitness, the seats I'm not used to, as well as the bicycle model without gears, with which I converted the work of my legs into the energy of movement 1:1, it's quite enough for me.

I wasn't driving fast, there were a lot of other cyclists on the track, children on bikes, as well as roller skaters. I walked the path in the sun, in the shade, next to the footpath, next to the golf course, all the way around the lake.

I have enjoyed.
After the ride, I parked bike, sat down in one of the bars on the beach and refreshed myself with a cold drink.

Considering how much I loved cycling in those years before 2001 (I used to ride 30, 40, 50 km a day), I have to do my best and get back into the routine of riding, if not a bought bike, at least a rented one. But certainly a rented one with the possibility of changing the speed, when I will go around this lake for two or three laps...

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone

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