Break your Bad Habits

Most of the time Bad habits forms unknowingly. It consumes an enormous amount of time and money also, distracts us and makes a barrier to achieve our goal. We all have some sort of bad habits which we want to get rid of. But we all know how difficult it is to even get rid of one.



Many researchers study this, what makes us get used to bad habits, which of our action forms bad habits and how to get rid of them. They come up with the conclusion that we have to prevent forming the habit any further. And later have to work replacing the habits and forming new habits

So, how can we do that easily?

We have to know about THREE things to break the chain of a bad habit, move from that and start a new good habit. And the three important things are- Trigger, Routine and, Reward. The first one is about what makes you adopt the bad habit? Stress, friend group, loneliness? Then find out what the time you usually do it.

You can make some other plan to avoid the specific time to skip the trigger. And finally, find out the connection of rewards with it. What do you get from the bad habit? Pleasure, a new friend, get rid of anxiety? Reward yourself with something else and replace it with the 'so-called' rewards we used to get.

When you start to point out things, it will be clear to you. It's not that tough. You just need to accept your condition and have to approve that you need to change. Write down your plan to change it, study your habit in terms of the 'three' and you will get the answer on how to change them.

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